Class 12 – PE

Great PE lesson today guys I was really impressed at how you all got stuck in and listened to feedback throughout the session. And I’m sure you all enjoy me failing very miserably at a push up too! Well done again, looking forward to next week.

Class 12 – Reading lesson

I was very impressed with our lovely reading lesson today and the children have told me they enjoyed it too! We kick started with a gallery walk where the children had to build a vocabulary bank around a series of pictures. Then, using the text, they had to find vocabulary clues to match up and order pictures from our book so far. And what a great job they did!

Class 12 – shout out board

Last night I had the pleasure of pinning up lots of wonderful shout outs the children have started to write about each other! Some are so lovely and I enjoyed reading them very much.

We are practicing to use howl and character trait vocabulary within our shout outs so I can’t wait to see what they will look like in a few weeks time!

Class 12 – amazing home learning

Just look at how wonderful these children have worked at home on their home learning. We have had reading and research on two key figures in WW2, Anne Frank and Winston Churchill and another who has made a beautiful Anderson shelter model for us to display in class! Fantastic efforts by both of you thank you so much!

Crew Pearson – community service learning

Today we visited the Pentecostal church charity shop, which is amazing and the money raised goes straight back to support our very own community! We donated some clothes and some toys and while there offered our assistance to help tidy and organise for a few minutes. Well done to all involved I was very proud to see you supporting a community group today!! Great job.

Class 12 – generating vocabulary

It was an English hook lesson today for the start of our new cycle. The children had some images from our new class texts and several areas to focus on to describe. Colour, buildings, people, emotions, sound and smell. I was very impressed with the amount they managed to generate and how high quality some of the words were! I can’t wait to see how you use them in your writing.

Class 12 – kindness shout out!

I would personally like to shout out for Lexi in our class. Who has showed such beautiful kindness to my little girl by taking the time to make her a little colouring book! Anola is sat playing now and is so happy you made it for her so I thought I’d share, what a beautiful thing to do Lexi! Thank you.

Year 4 – our amazing WW2 expert

We had a wonderful expert visitor in school today who had fantastic WW2 knowledge and had even researched into people who lived in Thorne but played keys roles in the war, one who was actually awarded the Victoria Cross.

The children also got to see different original items from the war, uniform, weapons, gas masks and lots of other items too. They were hooked! Just ask them about it, if they haven’t shared with you already.