A little message for Year 6…

Dear year 6,

I’m sure we have all woke up this morning wondering how we would have been feeling if we had been at school because this week you should have been sitting your SATs.  Due to these uncertain times we won’t be having breakfast together everyday, we won’t be debating red or brown sauce on our bacon sandwiches on Friday and we won’t have the decision of which flavour ice cream to choose at the ice cream parlour but everyone at GT couldn’t be more proud of you all.  Some of you will be pleased that you don’t have to sit the tests but we know that most of you will be disappointed because you have worked so hard your whole primary school life towards these and although they are not everything, we know how much you wanted to sit them to prove to yourselves how awesome you are!

We just want you all to know that we are proud of every single one of you, not just today but every single day you have worked hard to achieve your individual potential.  During the past 8 months you have shown sheer determination to prove yourselves and be the best you can be and during this time you have produced beautiful work.  You have all grown in confidence, matured and are ready to take on that next chapter in your lives.  We have enjoyed every second of home learning with you all and couldn’t be prouder of the work you have produced in the classroom.  We have enjoyed ‘hanging out’ with you all everyday and seeing your smiling faces in our feel good Friday videos.

So this week, stand tall, be proud, stay safe, smile and remember how amazing you all are!

We really do hope to see you all soon for the leaving celebrations you deserve!


Her is a poem someone has shared with me:

A Poem for Year 6 children – class of 2020 🤗 🌈
Today is the day that SATs would have started,
The classroom set up and the tables parted,
The rules on the board, the display walls all covered,
Your workbooks away, out of sight in the cupboard,
Instead you are home, you’re doing your bit,
Protecting your families from getting sick,
It’s important right now, we’re in lockdown you see,
Being a part of world history,
You’ve all worked so hard, you should be so proud,
You’ve practised your SPAG and times tables out loud,
You’ve learnt algebra to the Nth degree,
And now the tests, they will no longer be,
Some may be sad that they can’t take the tests,
“Hip hip hooray,” I’ve no doubt said the rest,
Whilst the tests are on hold and you stay home this term,
Remember that tests can’t measure everything you learn,
And I don’t need SATs results to tell me,
How hard you have worked, it’s easy to see,
‘Lockdown’ Year 6, let me shout it out loud,
You’ve made all your teachers so very proud,
So please continue to learn, fill that brain up full,
And remember, we think you’re all wonderful! 💕

VE Day celebrations!

Yesterday, the children made some beautiful wartime cards and pictures which we delivered delivered to Parklands Care Home. The residents were out in their deckchairs waving at the children- it was so lovely to see! We created a social distancing ‘walking bus’ using string and holding it at 2m intervals to deliver the lovely messages from the children. What a fabulous job you all did creating your gorgeous pictures/cards and ensuring social distancing! We are so proud of you!
From Miss Myers, Mrs Hardman and Miss Thurkettle xxx

A great day for Crew Overson

A great day in Crew Overson…..WELL DONE!

Well done to those who completed and handed in all 3 pieces of work – you should be very proud of yourselves, I am!

Maths shout outs:
Leah – fabulous work showing a good understanding!
Sophie – Can Do Colin in arithmetic

English shout outs:
Exploring Eddies – Kate, Ruby, Millie, Leah and Riley – a great start to the planning of your letter!

Expedition shout outs:
Connecting Connie’s – Kate, Riley, Ruby, Leah, Millie, Alex, Lacey, Oliver, Ben, Corbyn and Sophie

You have all made me smile today!