Well done to these children who won our Out Of This World award by demonstrating fantastic habits of work and learning; It was lovely to see so many parents attend our meeting this week too! Well done Y5/6- keep up the great work!
Category : Mrs Overson’s Class
Crew Mumby write as scientists!
Last week, Crew Mumby wrote like scientists in their touchdown pieces of writing. Some children chose to write up an experiment based on air resistance whilst others chose to write about water resistance. We talked about the formality of the piece, ensuring we included scientific vocabulary and that scientific theories were explained clearly. Our reports included data that we had collected in our science lessons which also supported our conclusions. I have really enjoyed reading these this weekend, Crew Mumby- Great work!
A great time was had by all Y6 children who undertook the Bikeability program. Bikeability has equipped our children with the skills and confidence to ride safely on the roads. Thank you to the Morris and the team from Bikeability who have spent 2 weeks at Green Top developing these important life skills with our Y6 children.
Place Value Revision (Y6)
We had a number of requests for additional homework at our Y6 network. As we have just finished our ‘place value’ unit of study, I have complied questions from previous test papers for children to complete at home. You should find a range of questions linked to place value, ordering numbers, negative numbers and rounding.
Share any photos or work to [email protected] as we like to celebrate hard work in our phase community meetings
Thanks, Mr Mumby
Y6 meeting slides
Thanks to all parents who attended the Y6 meeting; I have attached the slides as promised. Please email me at [email protected] for any further details.
Together we are crew,
Mr Mumby
Y6: Trinity Academy transition website
If you are considering Trinity Academy as a secondary option, they have created a website on the link above. This link contains lots of information about the school including the school prospectus, uniform expectations and key people involved in the transition process.
Kind regards
Mr Mumby
Y5/6 Family Learning Reminder
You are warmly welcome to join our crews for Family Learning on Wednesday 28th September from 1:30. Linking to our expedition, our exploration of space, children will be tasked with coding an animation of the Solar System. No experience required and fun guaranteed!
See you there, Mr Mumby

Y5/6 Expedition Homework Menu
Hi, please find the Y5/6 homework menu attached. In addition, reading is a vital life skill, please support us by listening to your child at least 3 times a week. As SATs is fast approaching, reading daily will support your child’s reading fluency and accuracy. Books read at home can contribute to your child’s Accelerated Reader data. Links are in the PDF below:
Kind Regards, Mr Mumby
Well done to our new appointed school ambassadors!
A big congratulations to our new school ambassadors! I was really impressed with the quality of the applications for the role and the way they could articulate the role. Wear your badges with pride!

UPDATED Transition open evening events for current Y6 children.
I am aware that the school year has only just begun for our year 6 children however open evenings for secondary school choices are fast approaching due to the secondary school application window closing on the 31st October. I have added a list of the open evenings I am aware of so far:
Ash Hill Academy- Wednesday 28th September 4pm- 7pm
Trinity Academy- Wednesday 21st September time see below
The Axholme Academy- Wednesday 21st September 6pm- 8pm
South Axholme- Thursday 22nd September- 6:15pm
The Snaith School- Thursday 22nd September, time 4:30- 7:30
XP Doncaster- Tuesday 11th October 4:30- 6:30
I will continue to blog dates of other open evenings as soon I as receive them
Please email me at [email protected] or catch me on the door should you have any further questions.
Mr Mumby