Reception fieldwork visit tomorrow

We hope you’ve had a lovely week back so far and the children are looking forward to our fieldwork visit.

Please can all children arrive at the usual time so that we can register everyone and be on the coaches ready to leave promptly. All children will need to bring a packed lunch with them, unless they have asked for one to be provided by school. The coach will leave by 2.30pm to make sure we are back in time for the end of the school day.

Please could we ask that all children dress appropriately for the outdoor weather… the forecast is looking better as we move through the day tomorrow and we’re hoping it stays that way!

If you have any questions or queries please email Miss Carter @. [email protected]

Looking forward to seeing you all in the morning!

Red Nose Day Challenge

Happy Red Nose Day! It is great to see so many of you dressed in red to show your support today. Thank you for all your generous donations. The school council have one last challenge for you! Over the weekend, we wonder how many different red things you can find.

Watercolor Red Clipart Red Color Clipart Red Objects - Etsy UK

You could have a look around your house or even venture outside on a walk. Count how many different red things you can find to share with your crew on Monday. You could even take some pictures or draw what you can see.

F2 Phonics Family Learning

We were so pleased to welcome lots of our F2 children’s grown ups into school today to learn a little bit more about our phonics programme.

Our children were happy and proud to share our activities with their adults and it was so lovely to see how engaged everybody was.

Thank you for your support and we hope that you all enjoyed it.

Reception Crew

Reception- Phonics Family Learning session

On Thursday (16th march) at 2pm there will be a phonics themed family learning session held in the hall. Please arrive at the school office for 2pm to sign in and collect your child.

All reception parents are invited to attend for an afternoon of phonics fun!

You will be able to join in with lots of early reading and writing activities and explore the FFT phonics scheme even further. The reception teaching team will be on hand to answer any questions and boost your confidence to support with phonics at home.

There will also be an additional session on Thursday the 23rd March at 2pm . We look forward to seeing you 🙂

FFT Success For All Phonics - FFT
Elm Hall Primary School - Phonics
FFT Success For All Phonics - FFT

Our chicks are here!

The Reception children were all very excited when they arrived to school today to find out that some of their chicks had hatched early in the morning. They were very lucky to also watch some of the chicks hatch out of their eggs throughout the day. The best part of the day though was definitely all getting a little cuddle.

Below is a video of one of our chicks hatching.