Crew Jackson – Library visit

As part of National Libraries Week, we paid a visit to Thorne Library this morning. Everyone enjoyed sharing books, completing activities and helping put books back on to the shelves. Edward even learnt how to be a librarian, checking books in and out!

Crew Jackson – Fabulous home learning

A big shout out to Charlie for producing more fabulous home learning. Thank you for sharing these pictures of your solar system recreated using lego. This shows not only your scientific knowledge but your creativity too. Well done Charlie!

Crew Jackson – What is religion?

As part of Green Top Faith Day, we explored the question ‘What is religion?’. The children were very reflective in their thoughts and then went on to look up the definition in the dictionary. In small groups the children explored one of the six main religions and then presented their findings to the class.

Well done everyone.

Crew Jackson – Fantastic story maps

This morning, we created story maps to plan our own version of the next part of the story. I was blown away with the ideas the children came up with – using both their imaginations but also their background knowledge from the reading so far.

I can’t wait to write the chapter next week and read your amazing versions of the text.

Mrs Jackson x

Crew Jackson – super English work

This morning, we worked incredibly hard for two hours on improving our knowledge of speech punctuation and how dialogue is used to convey character and show action in the story. We worked hard to construct our learning through the use of videos, creating anchor charts and highlighting extracts from our class text. Everyone then went on to demonstrate their understanding by completing independent tasks. I was very impressed with our learning behaviours.

Crew Jackson – Focused maths learning

A massive shout out to everyone – we are smashing our year 6 maths learning so far this term! From excellent effort in our weekly beat that times table tests, our end of place value unit assessment on Monday and then a great start to our calculation unit today. Keep up the hard work!