Y6 SATs week info

Dear Year 6 Parents,

As we approach the end of the academic year, it’s time for our Year 6 students to undertake their SATs. SATs week starts on the 9th of May and finishes on the 12th of May. On these days, your child is welcome to come into school from 8:15 am (Y6 classrooms as normal). We will provide some breakfast options such as cereal bars to ensure they start their day well-fueled and ready to tackle the challenges ahead. It’s essential that they arrive on time to reduce any stress that they might experience from rushing.

We understand that this can be a stressful time for both students and parents, and we want to reassure you that we will be on hand to provide guidance and support throughout the week. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any concerns or questions.

We would also like to let you know that on the afternoon of the 12th of May (Friday), to acknowledge the hard work of our Year 6 students, we will be taking them to Morani’s ice cream parlour as a treat. The school will cover the cost of this treat, so you do not need to send any money.

We believe that it’s important to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of our students, and this treat is just one small way of saying well done for their effort and commitment. 

Thank you for your ongoing support. You will find a brief overview of the week below:

MondayBank Holiday- School closed
TuesdayGrammar, punctuation and spelling
ThursdayArithmetic- maths paper 1 and Reasoning- maths paper 2
Friday Reasoning- maths paper 3

Best regards,

Mr C Mumby

Y5/6 EPIC activities

Some of our Y5 & 6 students have been enjoying taking part in our new provision, EPIC.

Our in-school sessions focus on preparing Y6 pupils for life at secondary school and explores ideas and issues to help them navigate future experiences in society. The course covers areas such as bullying, crime and internet safety.

EPIC also offers Y5/6 students an after-school club which focuses on collaboration and problem solving skills through team games and challenges. This club runs on a Thursday evening, 3-4pm.

Whilst EPIC is offered to pupils via invite only, we do have some spaces left on the after-school club. If your Y5/6 child is interested in joining please contact your child’s class teacher for more information.

Y5&6 Community Crew

Thursday saw our first UKS2 community crew of the summer term and it was clear that all our crews have got off to a great start. Top of the agenda was the battle for accelerated reader, with Crew Ambler still clinging tightly onto first place … which crew will overcome them first?

Congratulations go out to all those children receiving shout outs & HoWL certificates this week, and a huge well done goes to all of this week’s OOTW superstars – keep up your fabulous work!

National Skipping Week

This week is National Skipping week and as a school we will be taking part to see how many jumps we can do. Each day, the children will get the opportunity to take part and count how many jumps they can do and we will create a school total each day. Watch this video to find out more.

Want to take part at home?

School council will be getting involved to see who can skip or jump in the most unusual places. All you need to do to get involved is take a picture or video of you jumping or skipping somewhere unusual and send it into school. The deadline for entries is Tuesday 2nd May. Winners will be announced on Friday 5th May.

Happy skipping!

Crew Jackson – academic crew

This morning in crew, we had a silent discussion to generate ideas on how people in can improve their HOWLs, SPAG, maths, reading and writing. These ideas are really going to support everyone when tomorrow we make our pledges for the Summer term.

Sport photos! ⚽️🏉

Mr Ambler and myself are creating a PE display for school. In this display, we want to celebrate our sporting successes across school whether it is a tournament, PE clubs or outside teams.

Please pass them onto your teacher and we will add these as part of our celebration 😀


Mr Gerrard and Mr Ambler 😆

Y6 Easter Revision

Please find attached a list of websites and PDF documents to help your children revise over the Easter holidays. These websites will be useful for revision in the build up to SATS.




Y6 spellings

The children in Y6 are working incredibly in preparation for their SATs and we are super proud of them all. Over the last few weeks, they have been bringing home spellings linked to the rules and patterns they could be tested on in their SATs spelling paper. They have been working hard on these in class and we thank you for your support in helping them to learn them at home too.

Please find spellings to learn for the week after the Easter holidays listed below.
