This week, we have done arithmetic slightly different than usual. Using the orienteering markers that were installed over the summer holidays we used these to help us develop our BODMAS skills. It was nice to see everyone working together and doing arithmetic in a fun and active way. Well done Y6!
Crew Jackson – Home learning
Thank you Charlie for bringing in your home learning to share with us this morning in crew. It was perfect timing as it followed on from our lesson on Tuesday on gears, levers and pulleys.
Crew Jackson – A massive shout out to our star in the making!
It has been lovely to hear all about Aoife’s fabulous performance in ‘Nativity’ the musical. Over the last 6 months, Aoife has successfully gone through auditions, spent many hours and hours rehearsing and then finally last week took part in the performances at the theatre.
As a crew and school we are so proud of her achievements – make sure you remember us in the future when you become famous! xx
Crew Jackson – odd socks day!
As part of Anti Bullying Week, many of us wore odd socks today. This is to show it’s okay to be different and to raise the awareness of bullying! Thank you Crew Jackson for supporting this cause – here you can see some of us that joined in today.
Crew Jackson poppies
This morning in G Block crew Jackson have been using their sketching skills to produce beautiful poppies. Great work everyone!
Crew Jackson – Faith Day – Hinduism
This morning, we explored the key Hindu words of reincarnation, atman, karma and dharma and how they linked with some of their key beliefs. We then went on to build up our knowledge of Hindu Gods and Goddesses through reading, discussion, research and matching key facts.
The children have been set a challenge…it is worth 200 Get Smart points!
Crew Jackson – Friction investigation
This morning we spent time building our background knowledge about friction before carrying out an investigation. The children worked in groups to explore which surface had the most and least amount of friction; this was done by testing how far a toy car travelled on different surfaces. Well done everyone – you all impressed me your ability to explain your results using scientific language. I can’t wait to see the science reports your produce based on today’s lesson. #OgdenTrust
Y6 Spelling pattern
The week after half term we will be working on homophones. Please discuss the meanings of the different words and when each spelling should be used.
Crew Jackson – We are scientists!
This morning, we applied our knowledge about water resistance to draw conclusions after carrying out our investigation. Well done everyone – not only do you all use scientific language in your explanations but you managed not to spill the water all over your books! x
Year 5/6 Community Crew Meeting
Another lovely week of shoutouts and celebrating all the hard work of last week! We’re so proud of you all!