A huge congratulations to every award winner this week- very well deserved!

A huge congratulations to every award winner this week- very well deserved!
Well, this morning was such a lovely crew session with children receiving their leaver hoodies; they have been waiting eagerly for them for some time! Children are welcome and encouraged to wear their hoodies with pride for their final half term in school. I must say, they look absolutely fantastic in them! A special thanks to the Y6 staff, parents, Friends of Green Top and Adele at TOGs for their efforts in making this possible.
This morning, Y6 were given their leavers hoodies and modelled them perfectly in the sunshine! Looking stunning Y6!
I am delighted to share key dates with you as we go into the final half term for our current Y6 children. More details will be communicated for our leavers trip and party shortly. As always, please contact me at [email protected] or speak to your child’s crew leader with any questions you may have. In the meantime, thank you for your continued support as we try and make their end of primary schooling as memorable as possible.
Kind regards
Mr Mumby
This afternoon we began to prepare for our Final Word Presentations. Before we could begin, we had to understand what a ‘Y6 Final Word’ is. We now know that this is an opportunity to reflect on our learning, celebrate our achievements and consider how we have grown our character during our time at Green Top. To gain a better knowledge, we read and identified key aspects from previous Y6 written presentations; this supported us in starting our mind maps on ‘character growth’.
Well done Crew Jackson – a great start to what I am certain is going to be an amazing piece of work for you all.
Take a look at the celebrations that happened across school over the last couple of weeks to celebrate the King’s Coronation – we all had lots of fun!
An extra shout out to the KS2 choir for singing the backing vocals to the video.
Hope you all enjoy!
Myself, Mr Mumby and Mrs Jackson would like to give Y6 a huge shout out this week for their hard work throughout SATS. You have all worked really hard and have done your best and we are very proud of everyone! You all deserved your treat this afternoon! Enjoy your weekend 😊
Dear Y6,
You’ve worked incredibly hard this year and we’re proud of your effort this week to do your very best. Remember, SATs don’t have the ability to test everything though. As you know from ‘crew’ learning is 3-way: character, beautiful work and academic success leads to the best version of you. Unfortunately, SATs cannot measure all of those things.
The SATs test do not assess all of what makes each of you special and unique. The people who create these tests, mark them and set the boundaries do not know each of you the way we do. They do not know the learning journey you’ve travelled and still travel.
They do not know that some of you attend numerous clubs or that you can sing, dance or draw. They do not know that you take part in sports or participate in making your community a better place through expeditions. They do not know ways in which you show compassion to your peers and the ways in which you are kind, thoughtful and helpful.
The score you get from the tests will tell you something but it will not tell you everything. There are many ways to be ‘smart’. You ARE smart! Finally, most importantly remember, there is no way to ‘test’ all of the amazing and fantastic things that make you, you!
Thank you again for being part of the best crew ever and for working so hard,
Mr Ambler, Mrs Jackson and Mr Mumby
A message for all our wonderful year 6 children who start their SATs tomorrow.
We had another fantastic community crew meeting this morning with lots of HoWL point winners alongside our OOTW champions. Well done to everybody, keep up the great work!