Magnificent multiplication in maths


Class 8 have had a fantastic time in maths today. We have done multiplication using pictures of animals. We have shown multiplication as repeated addition. Everyone was having a go and worked really hard. We are so proud of you keep it up.


From miss Hilton and Miss O’Neill



Class 8 have been putting their addition and subtraction skills to the test today. They have worked in groups to answer different questions using maths resources.


well done class 8!


Miss Hilton and Miss O’Neill


Super Learners in Year 2- Time to get ahead ready for our new learning in maths next week! Multiplication and Division!!

Also, here’s a super catchy song to recap on what we were looking at in our SPaG starter today! I want to hear you humming it next time you’re writing to help you remember!

Mrs Faulding, Mrs Burton and Miss Hilton

Fantastic home learning

Brilliant home learning from the class 8 crew! We’ve had some amazing animals made from recycled materials and some interesting research too! Big well done to Leila for doing home work when she was off school ill and for getting her certificate I’m swimming the other week.


we are so proud of you all.


Miss Hilton and Miss O’ Neill

Last week Miss Salter set a challenge that anyone in F2 and KS1 who brought their reading books into change would enter a prize draw.  This morning we drew out the 6 winning tickets.  Our lucky winners won a ‘twist and tangle’ and a tube of smarties!

Well done Annabel, Letti, Cody, Ferron-Rose, Riley and Pandora!

Watch out for the next challenge in the next few weeks.  Keep reading those books!

F2 and KS1 house point winners 23.9.19

Well done to this week’s winners.   There are lots of new prizes to choose from and I know you will enjoy them!  I wonder who will impress the grown ups this week and get to choose something from our wonderful new prizes!