Year 6 participated in the Take 10 to Read event on Friday in support of World Mental Health Day and improving our wellbeing!
Category : Mrs Gutteridge’s Class
Dear parents/carers,
On Tuesday 12th October 2021 we will be inviting you to join our family learning celebration. Our current expedition is centred around the history of rail and we would like to work closely with the local community by supporting Thorne Miniature Railway, who are currently fundraising to keep their service running.
This will be taking place in Thorne Park where our children will be hosting stalls to raise funds in support of the miniature railway.
On Friday 1st October we will be taking part in a non-uniform day. To come in non uniform we would appreciate a donation for the tombola that will be one of the stalls at our fundraiser.
On family learning day we would like to invite you to join us at Thorne park and support your children. On 12/10/21, Year 5 and 6 will be running stalls and have the opportunity to have a ride on the miniature train and learn about how it works.
To enable this to happen children will need to be collected from Green Top at 2:00pm and meet us in the park by 2:15. This will give you a chance to enjoy the event prior to the rest of school and the local public being invited to join us at 3:00pm. Unfortunately if you are unable to join us children will remain in school until 3pm where they can be collected as usual.
Please email [email protected] to let us know your intentions.
Thank you, Team 5/6.
We have been multiplying decimal numbers and dividing numbers with decimal answers! I’m so proud of how engaged and hard working my class have been this week!

In science we are continuing our learning about separating different materials. We were introduced to new separating techniques today including sieving, decanting, magnetism, filtering and evaporating. Each technique is used to separate different types of materials and we had to figure out which process would be the best to use in different scenarios. For example, decanting is the method used to separate two liquids of different weights.
Tomorrow we are going to test out some of the separating techniques so watch out for our next blog post!
In our science lessons, we have been looking at different ways of separating and filtering items. The children were challenged with taking a bottle of dirty water containing mud, sand, leaves and stones and making it as clean as possible using the tools and equipment available to them. All of the children did a brilliant job working together as a team – well done!
Come and join us in the park for year 5/6 family learning!
Year 5/6 are making links through expedition and working with our local community to support the miniature Railway. We will be hosting a range of exciting stalls for you to get involved with and all proceeds will be donated to keep the miniature railway running.
Please come along at 15:00pm on Tuesday 12th October and support us!
This term’s homework is now accessible on our online classrooms. To access the online classrooms you will need to ‘log in’ on the Green Top website. You can log in using the icon in the top right corner of the page.
username: [email protected]
password: password
Year 5 – Please remember to add the number ‘30’ after your name.
Year 6 – Please add the number ‘29’ after your name.
Once you are logged in, click on the ‘gmail’ icon at the top of the page (it looks like an envelope). You will have an email inviting you to the online classroom. Please accept this invite to access the classroom.
If you are isolating and well enough, you will also find copies of the week’s slides on there too. If you are poorly there is no expectation that you will access any online learning.
If you need any more support with this please speak to you class teacher and they will be happy top help you with this.
Thank you
The Y5/6 Staff Team