Today we enjoyed our extra football PE session with YourPE coach, Coach Morgan. We worked on passing the ball with accuracy by aiming for a static cone before levelling up and passing to a moving partner. Well done, boys and girls – you all tried so hard and we made lots of improvement in our skills (even Mrs Dutton)!
Class 10 – Fabulous Home Learning to end our first half-term in Year 3!
Thank you so much for more amazing learning from home this week … your commitment to learning and practice never fails to amaze me so well done everyone, such little super stars!
Class 10 – iPad Digital Portraits
Today, we have been putting our iPad Art skills to the test by creating a first draft of our final product – a digital portrait of our focus soldier, Thomas Bryan VC who was a soldier during WW1. We used a photo of Bryan to create a detailed sketch before making use of smudging and blending tools to add shading and texture to our piece. When we return after half-term, we will critique our work in order to improve our technique ready for the final portrait. I was super impressed with our creations today and can’t wait to see what the final versions look like soon. Great job, everyone! x
Year 3 – TTRS and Numbots Login Details
Today, we have added your child’s TTRS and Numbots login details to the back of their reading diaries. If your child’s diary was not in school today, please send it with them tomorrow and we will catch up with those missed then. Thank you, Mrs Dutton and Mr Taylor x
Year 3/4 – Singing Homework
This week, Year 3 and 4 have been learning and studying the WW1 marching song – It’s a Long Way to Tipperary! We will be singing this at our Celebration of Learning / Christmas production so it would be really great if everybody could have a practise over half-term.
Thank you for your continued support, The LKS2 Team.
Class 10 – Thinking about our own identity
This morning’s crew had us all thinking about what identity means and how individual we all are. Each of us had a go at completing our own identity jigsaw, including all the little pieces that make us US!
Year 3 Spelling – w.c. 14.10.2024
Here are this week’s spellings:
Class 10 – Taking on the Kindness Challenge!
This week is the NSPCC’s Kindness Week and they have delivered a challenge to schools to ‘kickstart kindness’ in their settings. Today in crew, we spent some time thinking about what being kind means and what this might look like in our school. We made posters about our ideas and then shared them to help us kickstart some actions for kindness in our classroom and beyond!
Class 10 – PE Kit needed for Friday 18th Oct
We have our second YourPE session on Friday 18th October. Please can you send your child to school with their PE kit. Thank you, Mrs Dutton.
Class 10 … A Final Call for Reading Photos!
Please don’t forget to take and share your reading photos so that I can use them in our reading area. I would love to display photos of all the children reading their favourite books in lots of different places. Please take a look at the photos below for some inspiration and share yours with me via email or in person by Wednesday 16th October. Thank you, Mrs Dutton 🙂