Year 3 Reminders and Updates

Just a few reminders for Year 3 now that we’ve settled back after the Christmas break:

  • PE is on Mondays – please ensure your child has their PE kit with them.
  • XP Outdoors is on Wednesdays – please ensure your child has appropriate outdoor wear with them for this activity.
  • Please bring your school / AR reading book and reading diary to school everyday. You can find your login details for AR Reading and TTRS in your diary so this needs to be at school each day and at home each evening / weekend.
  • Weekly spelling will be shared via the blog. Please check in and practise these at home.

For this half-term, Year 3 are lucky enough to be receiving an extra PE session from our partner, YourPE. This will take place each Friday morning starting tomorrow so please ensure your child has their PE kit on Fridays too.

Thank you for your ongoing support, Mrs Dutton and Mr Taylor.

Class 10 Are Backkkk!

Wow – what a crazy week and a half we have had settling back into school since the new year! Everybody came back so excited from their holidays, it was lovely to hear about everyone’s beautiful memories from Christmas 2024.

This term, our expedition is exploring the guiding question- what makes us human? and to hook us into our learning, the children have enjoyed a mix of different activities. We have made paper straw x-rays, play-dough digestive systems, giant squishy teeth and this week we’ve even managed to become electricians by investigating simple circuits in our first case study of science.

The fun doesn’t just stop at expedition though, as the children have been fully engaged with their new PE topic – dance, and they made a great first attempt at the All-Black’s Haka (check it out below – facial expressions and all!). And today, we have been working hard in our local community by litter picking in the KS2 playground – great job boys and girls!

On top of all this, it has been lovely to meet with you all for our SLC’s and if you haven’t managed to organise this with myself yet then please keep your eyes peeled for an email coming out with any remaining dates and times.

Year 3 XP Outdoors- Flint & Steel

Year 3 Crews began their XP Outdoors again for the spring term. 

The challenge: Who still remembers how to use flint and steel was done by Year 4 yesterday so obviously Year 3 had to beat them.

They challenged themselves even more without having any instructions, there were some questionable strikes to start, but soon everyone got the hang of it with amazing efforts from all.

What another great way to start the term-bring it on, Year 3!

Class 10 – Christmas Fun!

Class 10 have had a fantastic week of Christmas fun, starting off with our Christmas Carol drama workshop at the end of last week … such a great way to extend our Christmas jumper day! We started this week with our Christmas production and crafting of our calendars and cards for home. Then, our Christmas party on Wednesday was a blast and our PJ Movie day today was just what we all needed 🙂

We can’t wait to finish the festivities with carols around the tree tomorrow! Merry Christmas everybody – see you in 2025 x

LKS2 – Green Top art takes pride of place with The Victoria Cross Trust

We were so pleased with the turnout for our presentation of learning / Christmas production on Monday – thank you to all who could make it! And, we were especially proud to be joined by our special guests, Keith and Mick, from The Victoria Cross Trust. They were thrilled to receive their gifts from the children and they now take pride of place amongst all their other awards and memorabilia in the Trust shop:

Year 3 | Christmas Play

A quick reminder for parents that children can come to school on Monday morning in the clothes that they will be wearing for the school concert. Children with a singing or narrating part can wear a Christmas jumper with either jeans or school trousers and then pack their school uniform in their bags to change back into when returning to school. Thank you!

Green Top Kindness Advent Calendar

Crew Dutton – Kindness Rocks!

This week in crew, we have been busy being kind by being good stewards around school and litter picking on the school grounds to keep them clean and tidy for everyone. We have also added our decorated rocks to the new rock garden at the front of school … why not take a look and enjoy one of the motivational messages for yourself.