Class 9 | New Case Study!

Today in expedition we began our new art case study. We began by looking at the artist David Hockney and some of the artwork that has made him famous. We found out that most of his artwork consists of paintings, collages and even digital art, which is something we will be using ourselves in our final product. We created an artist page for Hockney that included different facts and pictures that we had researched. The children did an incredible job and should be proud of the effort they put into their handwriting and presentation!

Here are some of the final designs.

Class 9 | Home Learning

There has been so much great homework being done in Class 9 this week. Take a look at some of the examples below.

Millie has been working hard on designing a propaganda poster whilst Myles has been calculating which World War 2 related items he can buy whilst keeping within a budget!

Ruby and Elea have both been working hard on their handwriting this week. Take a look at the quality they have both produced!

William and Jude have both been working hard on their maths this week. William has completed an arithmetic challenge whilst Jude has been working on place value.

Finally, Arnie has been designing his own T-Shirt for our American-themed day. Looks like you’ve done a great job Arnie!