Year 3 – TTRS and Numbots Login Details

Today, we have added your child’s TTRS and Numbots login details to the back of their reading diaries. If your child’s diary was not in school today, please send it with them tomorrow and we will catch up with those missed then. Thank you, Mrs Dutton and Mr Taylor x

Year 3/4 – Singing Homework

This week, Year 3 and 4 have been learning and studying the WW1 marching song – It’s a Long Way to Tipperary! We will be singing this at our Celebration of Learning / Christmas production so it would be really great if everybody could have a practise over half-term.

Thank you for your continued support, The LKS2 Team.

Lyrics Sheet

Class 9 | Family Learning

Thank you to all parents and grandparents who attended family learning this afternoon. It was lovely to see the children so engaged with the digital art and trying really hard to get their heads around the new app! Although it was tricky to begin with, I thought they all did an incredible job with it!

Take a look at some of the final designs!