Here are this week’s spellings for you to practise at home:

Here are this week’s spellings for you to practise at home:
During the recent half term, Arnie has been working on acts of kindness. Arnie has donated his old blankets to the Salvation Army and also become a volunteer at his local Cats Protection Charity.
Arnie has also shown kindness by teaching his younger sister to draw, which by all accounts has really tested his ability to stay patient! Well done Arnie!
So far we have looked at what geography is, how the earth is structured and how the earth crust is divided and what it’s made up of. To do so we have made an all about geography poster, made a model of the earth’s layers and recreated the earth’s crust diagram. All of which have been fabulous and of lovely quality! Well done Geographers!!
Here are this week’s spellings for you to practise at home:
KS2 children had a blast at our Valentine’s Day Disco yesterday – lots of hotdogs, dancing and sweets were enjoyed by all 🙂 Mr Mumby took to the decks and by children’s request, the highly acclaimed tune – ‘Sigma Boy’ – had the school hall jumping like never before!
Thank you to everyone who attended the e-Safety orienteering session yesterday afternoon. Although the weather wasn’t great and it limited the amount of space we were able to use, the children remained enthusiastic and did their best to make sure they could find every answer. A big thank you as well to some of our crew councillors and digital leaders who were able to help assist and capture photos from the event. Well done to everyone involved!
If you didn’t manage to attend yesterday, why don’t you have a go on here and see what score you get? You can access the questions and answer sheet from the slideshow below.
Well done to Matilda who has brought in her dancing medals to show the rest of the class. It looks like you have been very busy recently! Keep up the good work!
This week, Arnie has been learning about the human eye. He has drawn a picture and then added some interesting facts around the side. Well done Arnie, I love the enthusiasm.
I love the hard work and effort that Arnie has put into designing his own t-shirt for Number Day!
Thank you to Gabby who came down to our class this week to read a story. She did a fantastic job and showed great courage to read the book in front of them. It was also great to see Daniel volunteer to read a book as well. I was so pleased to see how much confidence you showed in your reading. Well done to the both of you!