Maths Week and NSPCC Number Day

Dear Parents and Carers 

Next week is maths week at Green Top (4th – 7th May).  We will be celebrating maths and to do this we will be doing the following:

  • Each day you will be informed of a challenge you can complete at home and bring into school or email to [email protected] 
  • Each day there will be a FUN maths challenge on the blog for you to complete as a family at home
  • Friday is NSPCC Maths day so we will be having a ‘maths’ dress up day (£1 donation)

Please see the school blog for links to the NSPCC maths day website, ideas for dress up and daily posts next week.

NSPCC website:

Tuesday’s challenge is:  Maths‌ ‌is‌ ‌everywhere!‌  ‌Take‌ ‌a‌ ‌photograph‌ ‌of‌ something‌ ‌maths‌ ‌related‌ ‌around‌ ‌our‌ ‌local‌ ‌community.‌  ‌This‌ ‌could‌ ‌be‌ ‌a‌ ‌percentage‌ ‌in‌ ‌a‌ ‌shop‌ ‌sale,‌ ‌a‌ ‌date‌ ‌on‌ ‌a‌ ‌building,‌ ‌a‌ ‌bus‌ ‌timetable‌ ‌or‌ ‌numbers‌ ‌on‌ ‌a‌ ‌traffic‌ ‌sign.‌  ‌Who‌ ‌will‌ ‌be‌ ‌the‌ ‌most‌ ‌creative?‌  ‌Send‌ ‌your‌ ‌photographs‌ ‌to‌ ‌[email protected].  Good Luck!

Last year was a huge success and enjoyed by all – we can’t wait to see what next week brings.


Mrs K Overson 


Dress up ideas:

Classroom Immersion: World War 2

The children have been busy creating the most amazing classroom environment ready for our new expedition: ‘Why is it important to share different stories about World War 2?’.

Crew Mumby did an amazing job of creating anchor charts based on what caused World War 2; they used sources of evidence carefully and clearly summarised the main points that we discovered. We’ve had a brilliant week during hook week and the activities we’ve done have helped us build up our background knowledge ready to take on case study one! Well done Crew- this is going to be an amazing expedition!

Another crew challenge ✅

Yesterday, Crew Mumby were challenged with placing the pen in the pot by only using their bodies, string and most importantly communication. The activity was a fantastic way to end our extended crew sessions and I feel that we’ve learnt lots about how we can use these skills in our daily lives.

Next week we are going to use crew to discuss and take part in well-being activities and unpick why it’s important to take care of ourselves. The guiding question is ‘What has the pandemic taught us about the importance of crew?’


McDonald’s Attendance treat in Crew Mumby


The children in Crew Mumby have successfully won the school’s weekly attendance competition 5 times this year so far. They have decided that they’d like to have a McDonald’s as the treat. Please can you fill out the form below to consent to this treat and select the meal your child would like.

Thank you for supporting your child’s excellent attendance this year! They are hoping to earn some more attendance money before the year is over.

Kind regards,

Mr Mumby


March Reading Challenge!

Join in with our March reading challenge by helping us to earn 250,000 reading minutes!

Log how many minutes you have read this week at home!

Don’t log the minutes you have read in school as your teachers have done this for you!

The link to the Google form is here:

The link to the Google form is here:

Check out our photos from the crew challenges we’ve done in the last couple of days. On Friday we played ‘minefield’ where we were reliant on our crew to communicate us specific instructions to guide us through. In the debrief we talked about how we could use these skills in other subjects and how specific language makes us better and achieve. Today we completed the egg challenge- the children were tasked to work collaboratively in order to create a model that would withstand a drop from a height. Check out our pictures below:

John o Groats to Lands End – Week 2


Please find attached the google form for week 2 of our John o Groats to Lands End challenge. I will update the map on Monday evening so it gives everyone time to send their steps in. Good luck and keep those steps up!

Today’s crew challenge: Paper Cup Tower!

Can you make a paper cup tower without touching the cup? Well today, in crew Mumby, we did just that. The children were given string, elastic bands only to move cups from one place to another. I was really impressed with their collaborative skills and communication however I delighted to see the resilience shown when things didn’t go to plan!

Check out our photos below:


Crew Mumby Balloon Tower Challenge!

What do 20 balloons, a roll of sellotape and a length of string have to do with being Crew? This week, Crew Mumby grappled with producing the tallest tower they could. Our target was to work as a team and we discussed the importance of listening, team work, collaboration and compromise. Before the activity, we discussed our tactics and agreed on our roles within the team. We were then given 30 minutes to complete our towers before joining the circle to debrief our reflections. A super start to making the relationships in class even stronger than before.

Check out our photos below: