Year 4- Crew Mumby- Vocabulary Detectives

Today we used our new reading book, Rose Blanche, to develop our vocabulary skills. Children were tasked with unpicking the illustrations before matching them to key events in the chapter. The level of discussion and eye for detail was impressive- Well done crew!

Y4- Crew Mumby- A great start to AR!

The children have settled into the reading norms well in Year 4. Many children have already quizzed on multiple books and have scored 80% or more! Well done, keep it up! Remember, books read at home can often be found on Accelerated Reader and be quizzed on.

Year 4 – our amazing WW2 expert

We had a wonderful expert visitor in school today who had fantastic WW2 knowledge and had even researched into people who lived in Thorne but played keys roles in the war, one who was actually awarded the Victoria Cross.

The children also got to see different original items from the war, uniform, weapons, gas masks and lots of other items too. They were hooked! Just ask them about it, if they haven’t shared with you already.

A great start to our new expedition!

The children in class 11 have shown superb engagement in our new expedition focused on WW2. We have been busy immersing ourselves in this topic by building a background knowledge of the subject. On Monday, we began our week by taking part in an evacuation experience with a visit to the local church. On Wednesday, we unpicked some of the key vocabulary that we will use in this expedition; we used sources of evidence to work out the meaning of each word. Today, we have used map work to identity allies during the war. To end our week, we have an expert visitor in school tomorrow. A fantastic start!

Here are are few snaps from our church visit:

Sculpture club

Just want to say a big thank you to sculpture club. They were fab at listening and learning about the different paper sculpture techniques this week! Check out what they have done below. A few more techniques to show them next week, but they have been set a challenge to think about what they’d like to start to make. Ensuring they apply some of these techniques to create something 3D!

Y3/4 – Homework Menu and Parent Overview Screenshots

It has been brought to our attention that there is currently an issue with parents accessing the links shared in our previous blog about the Homework Menu and Parent Overview for Autumn 24/25. We are looking into this and hope to have the matter resolved as quickly as possible. In the meantime, we will continue to grant access where requested when the links are clicked on but for now, please see screenshots below for the information being shared.

Thank you for your patience, LKS2 team x

Y3 / Y4 Homework Menu and Parent Overview (Autumn 24/25)

Please find links below to the Homework Menu for LKS2 as well as the parent overview for our Autumn expedition:

Y3/Y4 Homework Menu (Autumn 24/25)

Y3/Y4 Parent Overview (Autumn 24/25)

We look forward to sharing our learning with you further as the term goes on, and to seeing any homework that you get up to at home too!

Thank you for your ongoing support, the LKS2 team x