We are historians!

This week, we have been historians! We have researched three different figures from the past related to slavery and have compared their experiences.

We are truly fascinated by these freed slaves; Mary prince and Equiano and their inspirational life stories. We also looked at the life of a slave trader and how much profit he made by trading goods such as sugar in return for slaves.

Next, we are moving on to the abolition of slavery!

I just want to make a shout out to my crew for approaching such a sensitive and dark subject so sensibly and maturely. I have been blown away by you all and what you have been taking away with you each lesson. Well done! ⭐️

Mrs Faulding x

We built this crew on rock n roll!

Throwing it back to last week when it was TT rockstar and world dance day!

Looking like the true rock legends that you all are Crew Faulding and Mrs Hardman looking amazing as always! You guys are smashing it on TT rockstars, keep it up!

Y5 Heart Dissection

During our next case study, Year 5 children will be learning about the heart and circulatory system as part of their science curriculum work for this expedition. The children will get the chance to dissect a lamb’s heart. In the past, children have found this session extremely beneficial and gained a greater depth of understanding of the organ and how it functions. We understand, however, that there may be some children who will not feel comfortable with this, and so we will ensure that only children who want to take part in the activities do so.

We will also take all the necessary safety precautions required, purchasing hearts of food quality and making sure that the children wash their hands thoroughly after the activity. Please could you ensure that your child brings into school an apron or an oversized old shirt to protect their school uniform. These activities will take place on Wednesday 11th May. If you have any concerns regarding this activity, please contact your child’s class teacher or through the Y5/6 phase email [email protected]

Thank you and best wishes

Y5 team

XP Outdoors – Year 4 Reminder

Just a quick reminder that Year 4 will be starting XP Outdoors every Tuesday morning with Mr Kershaw.

Children will need to bring a spare change of clothing including suitable footwear to change into for the session.

Also, thank you to everyone who have returned their permission slips. Please can any remaining letters be returned to Crew Leaders so that children are able to take part in all of the activities.

Many thanks,

Miss Myers, Mrs Faulding and Mr Oldridge

Producing beautiful work in year 4!

I just had to share some of the beautiful work that the children produced yesterday in one of our hook expedition lessons. These gorgeously illustrated posters show the production of sugar and how it transforms in to the sugar that we know it as in the shops.

Well done everyone, I’m so proud of the time you’ve taken to produce these!
You stars! ⭐️

Getting ‘clever’ with coordinates!

We’ve had a great start to our week by grappling with coordinates. It’s been good fun making links between coordinates and the game ‘Battleships’ as well as working collaboratively as we were beginning to plot coordinates on a grid. Well done everyone, it’s been fab to see you grapple with this together as a crew!

Product designers in Class 12!

To hook us straight in to our new expedition, ‘Why isn’t sugar so sweet?’, we’ve wasted no time in getting our design caps on and our creative juices flowing in the process of designing our final product. Despite our product not being created until later on in the term, it’s so important that we know what it is and what it will look like right at the start of our learning journey. That way, we know what all of this is for, and how each case study links together.

I loved seeing your individual, bespoke designs and I’m so excited to see them come to life in the next half term!

Mrs Faulding x

Times Tables Rock Stars day!!! (International dance day) – Friday 29th April

On Friday the 29th April, we will be having a rock star dress up day in years 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 & 1. Times Tables Rock Stars is an excellent site which helps children practice and improve their times tables. All children in these year groups have a login. To promote it’s use across school, we are encouraging children to dress up as rock stars on the above date. Not only will children have the opportunity to use this site on this day, we will be linking it to International Dance day which falls on the same date. Therefore, in the afternoon, children will also be dancing and crews will be making ‘rock-style’ music videos. Pictures and videos of the day will be blogged by each crew.

Red Nose Day 🔴

Well done to the winners of the ‘Design a Red Nose’ competition! There were some fantastic entries but the school council voted and decided that these would be the winning entries. Well done to all who submitted an entry.

We are also pleased to announce that the school managed to sell £300 worth of red noses in the run up to the event before raising a further £301.58 through donations when wearing something red. Thank you to every one for your generous donations!