KS2 Choir – Young Voices 2025

On Tuesday, I had the privilege of taking our KS2 choir to the Young Voices concert at the Utilita Arena. What an absolutely fantastic day and night we all had – even if we were all super tired afterwards!

A huge shoutout to all of the children for their awesome representation of Green Top and participating throughout the experience.

A big thank you to all of the family and friends that were able to come and support the event, we hope you enjoyed it as much as us!

Finally, an added shout out to the Year 6’s that make up our choir for your commitment each year to taking part in Young Voices – I really hope you enjoyed your last one and here’s a video to remember it all!

Mrs Spetch x

National Storytelling Week – Coffee Afternoon

Next week (3rd Feb – 7th Feb) is National Storytelling Week and we are going to combine it with Maths Week!

Please join us for our coffee afternoon on Friday 7th February 2pm – 3pm to enjoy sharing stories (especially maths relates ones) with your children!

If you would like to attend, please book your place using the Google Form below.


We look forward to you joining us!

Year 6 spellings

Today we looked at the spelling of the following Y5/6 statutory words. All these words link to our expedition writing so the children will be practicing them over the next two weeks, to ensure when they use them in their written work they are spelt correctly.

government     individual                              

determined       prejudice 

community        opportunity

recognise          neighbour

Crew Ambler – The eye

Today in biology we have been investigating how our pupil changes size in light and dark. We learnt that when there is minimal light our pupil contracts to allow more light in helping us to see better and when there is light our pupil retracts to control the amount of light through our eye. #ogdentrust