The competition is the first part of our “Kitchen Nightmares” campaign that will be running throughout the autumn. Children aged between 6-12 are invited to take part.
Our advice to help you avoid a kitchen nightmare is:
Find more information here.
A reminder that tomorrow will be a whole school non-uniform day to raise money for the NSPCC. We are asking for a donation of £1 to support their charity.
Challenge – To end the week, could you complete a random act of kindness at home or in our local community and send a photograph to your teacher.
Over the last 3 weeks we have been investigating friction. We started by looking at how far toy cars moved on different surfaces. We looked for similarities and differences between the surfaces. We found that rough bumpy surfaces had more friction than smooth shiny ones. We used what we found to create our own surface to try and slow down a ball.
This week, we tested our surfaces to see which slowed the ball down quickest. We predicted which surface would be the best, created a results table and then found the average distance.
A huge shout out to this weeks HOWL point winners and Crew champions! Keep up the great work – we’re all very proud!
A huge well done to these children in Year 5/6 who have impressed their crew leaders with their reading so far this year. I hope you all enjoy reading your new book!!
Keep up the great work!
Next week, we will be taking part in a week full of activities linking to Kindness. This is part of the NSPCC fundraising and awareness week.
We will be taking part in lots of fun activities during Crew each day and there will be lots of opportunities for children to complete Kindness Challenges at home too.
Next Friday, to raise money for the NSPCC, we will be holding a Non-Uniform Day for donations of £1.
Well done to Y6 for showing excellent sportsmanship this afternoon, showing encouragement to each other and playing some fantastic rugby. Well done Y6 and thank you for a brilliant afternoon!