XP Outdoors – Year 4 Reminder

Just a quick reminder that Year 4 will be starting XP Outdoors every Tuesday morning with Mr Kershaw.

Children will need to bring a spare change of clothing including suitable footwear to change into for the session.

Also, thank you to everyone who have returned their permission slips. Please can any remaining letters be returned to Crew Leaders so that children are able to take part in all of the activities.

Many thanks,

Miss Myers, Mrs Faulding and Mr Oldridge

Times Tables Rock Stars day!!! (International dance day) – Friday 29th April

On Friday the 29th April, we will be having a rock star dress up day in years 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 & 1. Times Tables Rock Stars is an excellent site which helps children practice and improve their times tables. All children in these year groups have a login. To promote it’s use across school, we are encouraging children to dress up as rock stars on the above date. Not only will children have the opportunity to use this site on this day, we will be linking it to International Dance day which falls on the same date. Therefore, in the afternoon, children will also be dancing and crews will be making ‘rock-style’ music videos. Pictures and videos of the day will be blogged by each crew.

Red Nose Day 🔴

Well done to the winners of the ‘Design a Red Nose’ competition! There were some fantastic entries but the school council voted and decided that these would be the winning entries. Well done to all who submitted an entry.

We are also pleased to announce that the school managed to sell £300 worth of red noses in the run up to the event before raising a further £301.58 through donations when wearing something red. Thank you to every one for your generous donations!

Class 13’s Eggcellent Easter Egg Entries!

Year 4 Family Learning/Celebration of Learning

We had a fantastic afternoon yesterday celebrating our autumn Year 3/4 product- our TikTok videos. Children loved seeing all of their hard work payoff by watching themselves and their crew on screen in the hilariously creative, but factual short clips about the Roman Empire. We hope that you all enjoyed them too? Don’t forget that if you would like to share these clips with family and friends they are on our Green Top School you tube page.

We also had our family learning event yesterday afternoon too for our most recent expedition ‘Why should we protect our beautiful planet?’. We linked family learning to Case Study 3 which was a music focus and of course had a music quiz!! There was such a lovely buzz in the air with excited and enthusiastic children (and grown ups) all ready to test their musical knowledge.

Thank you to everyone who came, it was great to have you all back in school, face to face to celebrate the wonderful work that our children work so hard to achieve. Your support is appreciated, as always!

Year 4 Teaching Staff- Mrs Faulding, Miss Myers, Mr Oldridge and Mr Overson x

Year 3 and 4 Phase Meeting

A lovely end to a lovely, but busy term this morning in our crew phase meeting’s.

We celebrated with lots of wonderful shout outs, our HoWL postcard winners and by applauding our attendance, accelerated reader and overall HoWL points.

Well done to everyone in both Year 3 and 4 for working so hard this term- we are very proud of the beautiful work that you have produced!

Enjoy your Easter break and we can’t wait to circle back up again as a phase in two weeks!


This afternoon, Year 4 was lucky enough to have an extra KIXX session. It was great to see everyone from all three Crews taking part in all of the activities, remembering the skills they were taught earlier in the year from their sessions and also enjoying the lovely sunshine!


Yesterday, ‘Tuesday 22nd March’ was World Water Day! So, today in Community Crew, we looked into ways that we can preserve water and how this will help our environment.

We all made a pledge for how we can support the preservation of water and what this might look like in school and at home.

Here’s a short video sharing lots of different ways we can save water.