Year 3 and 4: Phase meeting 14.6.22

It was great to circle up again this week after a busy couple of weeks for year 3 and 4.

Well done for all of our HoWL point winners this week- you’re setting a brilliant example to everyone in your crew. A shout out to Crew Oldridge for being our HoWL point champs this week, enjoy your extra funky Friday time that you won!

Crew Tortora, well done on being the crew with the highest attendance percentage this week. I think we all need to have a huge push for these last few weeks now to ensure that we are trying our very best to get in to school each day.

Congratulations to our Out of this World winners this week too! It’s been our first week celebrating like this and it was lovely. As your teachers, we love to share wonderful stories about why you deserve that certificate and the yellow T shirt. Keep up all of your hard work!

Finally, a huge shout out to all of Year 4 for trying so incredibly hard in their multiplication tests this week. Not only did they approach their tests on the day with such maturity but they have been getting smart for weeks prior to this test by completing lots of practice tests and doing lots of home learning on TT Rockstars. Well done guys, we’re so proud of you all!

Year 3 and 4 team x

Year 4: Fieldwork at Bridlington and John Bull Rock Factory

What a day!!!

We’ve been getting smart today seeing first hand how rock is produced at the John Bull factory and even got to roll our own rock with our initials on. It was sticky business! We enjoyed a tour of the factory and discovered that they manufacture even more than just rock, they do biscuits, fudge and so much more. We were so lucky that during the tour we got to sample it all as we walked round- yum!

To end our visit in Bridlington, we spent a couple of hours on the beach soaking up the sunshine and enjoying some down time.

“Life is better with a little sand between your toes.”

Well done to everyone on as always for conducting themselves so sensibly around the factory- you used beautiful manners too!

Finally, a huge thank you to our parent volunteers, we really appreciated all of your support today!