Community Crew – Online safety

Today in class 9 we have been looking at how we can stay safe online and why it is so important we do.

The children completed a quiz to see how many of the logos they recognise and got most of these correct. They know that some of these games were not appropriate to them because of the age limit and they understood the importance of being safe while playing games. They realised that being safe on the internet is not just how or who you play games with but also using the internet to research things and chat to our friends. We must always be mindful of the web and know who to speak to i.e. a trusted adult if something happens.

Becoming Scientists

During our expedition last week class 9 became scientists and conducted an experiment to see how light travels.

They used all the cardboard boxes they brought in to cut out 3 squares the same size. Then then put a hole through the middle of all 3 pieces and strung a piece of string through this.

In their groups they positioned this to see if they could see the light travel through each hole of the squares to reach the eye.

The children were able to prove that light travels in straight lines and when the squares and holes were lined up correctly you could see the light travel straight through.

It was a very exciting lesson and the results were fantastic.

Children in need and spreading kind words

Class 9 looked amazing for children in need and the effort they put into their outfits was incredible – just look how colourful they all were and how great their silly faces are.

Remembrance Day and Big Talk

It was wonderful to have the big talk ladies in to speak to class 9 a few weeks ago. During their time with us we shared a 2 minute silence to remember and honour those from the war on the 11th November. Class 9 you made me so proud for how grown up you were during all of this.

Learning Council

Meet the members of Green Top’s 2021-2022 Learning Council!

They are all doing a wonderful job so far and have taken part in Maths Week, interviewing and showing visitors around school! I can’t wait to see what is in store for us next!

Children in Need – dress up day!

Next week we will be celebrating Children in Need on Thursday 18th November!

Thursday will be a dress up day where we are inviting children to wear something spotty and bright coloured! Any donations on the dress up day for Children in Need will be gratefully received.

Our school council are also holding a couple of competitions which will be running next week.

  1. Drawing of Pudsey competition
  2. Design a Children in Need T-shirt

A wonderful start to Maths Week!

We’ve had a great start to Maths Week with lots of the Y5/6 children guessing how many sweets are in the tub, lots of great, engaging maths lessons, and lots of lovely maths stories shared in crew!

The LC have loved going in to the Y3/4 maths lessons to see maths in action and they are looking forward to going in to Y5/6 maths lessons tomorrow!

Here is a sneak peak of all the wonderful maths that Y3/4 have been up to today!

Learning about Diwali festival

Today in community crew, class 9 have been learning about Hinduism and Diwali festival.

They cut out their own Diya (candle), coloured this in and then on the back put a wish they wanted to come true.

Hindus light these candles to dispel negativity and the light signifies the victory of good over evil.

Enjoy and celebrate the festival of light today, the 4th November.

Family Learning

Yesterday we had a wonderful afternoon at family learning.

It was so lovely to see you all get involved and enjoy the Roman activities with the children.

Class 9 would like to say a big thank you for coming to our classroom, it was a pleasure to have you all.