Crew Spetch – Super Scientists!

Wow! This week we have completed lots of science and a variety of science investigations linking to our Expedition. I have been amazed by the collaboration and the learning by all the children – it’s been great to see everyone so engaged!

We’ve focussed on gravity, water resistance and air resistance and even used our English learning to help us write these up!

Year 5 Bikeability

Exciting opportunity!! Year 5 will be taking part in Bikeability Cycle Training over 2 weeks beginning 4th November. This is a free course. Children will be bringing home information this week. Please complete and return the forms as soon as possible. The deadline is Wednesday 16th October.

KS2 – XP Outdoors

Please remember to send your child with appropriate XP Outdoors kit suitable for the weather – especially now it is getting colder and wetter! Appropriate footwear is essential as the children spend time in the grassy XP Outdoors area.

A reminder of the days that XP Outdoors takes place:

  • Tuesday – Year 4
  • Wednesday – Year 3
  • Thursday – Year 5
  • Friday – Year 6

A further reminder of the suggested XP Outdoors kit –