Class 5 Medieval Dress Up Day

On Friday we had a lovely time for our Medieval dress up day. We have had lots of fun learning about castles and making more decorations for our classroom. We also enjoyed making crowns. At the end of the day we had a medieval banquet and celebrated Miss Cooper’s birthday!

What a lovely way to end our hook week!

Class 5 – Hook Week

During hook week Class 5 had a lovely time creating dragon eyes out of clay. The children really persevered and took their time ensuring they created their most beautiful work. It was a lot of fun!

We also had a lovely XP outdoors session in the Year 1 garden area with Mr Kershaw. We enjoyed toasting marshmallows on the camp fire. Thank you Mr Kershaw for a lovely afternoon.

We have also made decorations for our classroom to make it look like a royal castle.

We had such a fun week!

Y1 Additional Important Information

Good afternoon,

We have just finished grouping the children according to their reading and phonics abilities so we will begin sending out reading packs this week. These will include 2 books, the red (non-decodable) word list, reading record book and weekly phonics homework. Book changing days will be Tuesday and Friday. ANY reading your child does – a page from their school reading book, phonics homework, a selection of red words etc. – should be noted and dated in the orange reading record book and each will count as one read for our reading challenge board. Please don’t think you have to make a lengthy comment if you don’t want to. A page number and date will be fine. At certain points on the reading challenge board the children will be rewarded with reading certificates. Please note, books will not be changed if there is no evidence of them being read in the reading record book. Reading is a massively important skill for year 1 children and we really do appreciate your support in reading with the children at home. We would also love to have some photographs of the children reading in unusual places for our reading corner displays. Be as imaginative as you like and send any pictures to your child’s class teacher. 20 HoWL points will be awarded for each one.

PE will be on Thursday afternoon. For information on appropriate kit, please see the Welcome to Y1 information sheet on the Headteacher’s Weekly Newsletter.

Finally, as from tomorrow we would request that you say goodbye to the children at the door rather than coming into school with them. This helps the children settle more easily into their learning and keeps the corridors clear and safe for everyone.

Any questions please ask. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Miss Rodgers and Miss Schon.

Class 5: Amazing Maths

Today we learned about sorting objects in different ways. We enjoyed listening to the story ‘The Button Box’ and we had a go at sorting items in lots of different ways. The children had some great ideas about how they could sort the items e.g. by size, colour or shape. Logan, Eli and Dax also sorted the animals into ‘land’, ‘sea’ and ‘swamp’ animals. When sorting the buttons the children used some brilliant vocabulary to describe the groups they had made.

Great work Class 5!

Dress up day and Family learning – KS1!

This Friday (6.9.24), it is our dress up day to hook the children into their Expedition. They are welcome to come as anything medieval! They could be kings, queens, dragons or jesters – whatever links to castles, but please don’t worry about buying a costume!

On Tuesday 15th October it is the Family learning for Year 1. This will begin at 1.30 in the afternoon.

For Year 2, your family learning is on Thursday 17th October. This will again be at 1.30 in the afternoon.

We look forward to seeing you all and the amazing costumes!

Class 5: Colour Run 2024

Class 5 had an awesome time taking part in the Colour Run on Friday. It was so lovely to see all the smiles (and hugs!). Here’s a little video of them taking part!

Welcome to Year 1

We are excited to welcome all of our new parents and children to Year 1. We will keep parents up to date with things that are happening in school through our class blogs. Today we wanted to share a few expectations that help to keep Year 1 running smoothly.

  • Please ensure all uniform is labelled with your child’s name. If it is not labelled staff will label it. This ensures we have no lost property in school.
  • Please ensure children bring a bag to school each day to keep their belongings safe. Children are asked to keep many things safe in their backpack and it also helps children to carry all of their belongings at the end of the day (water bottles, jumpers, cardigans, reading books, letters etc)
  • All children should bring a water bottle filled with water only every day
  • Please remember we have a no toys rule in school – please keep all toys/teddy bears etc at home
  • All children will need a PE kit consisting of a dark green T-Shirt, Black shorts and trainers or pumps. These will be needed from the week beginning 9th September. We ask that all children bring their PE kits to school on a Monday and take it home on a Friday. For this reason it would be helpful if children’s PE kit was in a separate bag to their every day backpack.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask your child’s class teacher in person or via email.

We are looking forward to a super year in Year 1. We have some great expeditions, visits and visitors lined up for the children to enjoy. More information will be shared soon!

Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers

Class 5: Day 3

What a lovely day we had today. The children are settling in beautifully! The children competed their morning activity as soon as they came into the classroom. Then in crew time we enjoyed working as a team to pass the hoola hoop around our circle. The children then showed off their phonics skills and myself and Miss Cooper were really proud of the beautiful presentation in ur writing books. After play we learned more about reducing, reusing and Recycling and began to make some posters to share with the other classes in school.

I am so proud of you Class 5 and I am super excited to see you all doing the Colour Run tomorrow!