KS1 Phonics

Miss Schon’s Group: This week we have been doing our assessments. All children are doing great at remembering their phonics and reading words. Some children are struggling a little with their red words or reading fluency. Keep practising your reading at home as often as possible as we have been doing so well with our memory skills now we need to keep up the practise!

This week our sound is /ue/ Blue Glue

Miss Rodger’s Group: This week the children are learning the final split digraph sound /u-e/ huge cube. Next week the children will take part in their next assessment to see how they are progressing with their learning.

Miss Schon’s group have also been pre-learning all the split digraph sounds. Here is a video that explains how we read these sounds in a word.

Miss Cooper’s group: This week Miss Cooper’s group are learning the trig /ear/ – Near and Dear. This week Miss Cooper’s group will be taking part in their next assessment to check on their learning progress.

Class 5: TTRockstars

Today we are launching TT Rockstars with Year 1. You can download the app for children to create their avatar and explore the game. Children’s log-in details are the same as their Numbots log-in details. If you would like to find out more please watch this short information video. There is one for adults and one for children.

Class 5 Visitor

Today Year 1 were lucky enough to have a visit from Mr Millham who came to talk to the children about his allotment and the things he grows. The children loved seeing all the things Mr Millham brought to show them. Mr Millham also left us some gifts. We are now the proud owners of a strawberry plant, a pot of pea plants and some cress so we can grow our own food. Now we can have a competition to see which class can grow the best plants!

Reading Books Tomorrow (Thursday 13th)

This is a reminder that all children need to return their reading books to school tomorrow as Friday is a training day. Please help us by ensuring all children bring their books each week – even if they have not been read yet.

Unfortunately we are unable to allow children to keep Shared Reading books for an extra week. This is because all books need to be collected in as a set and returned to the reading room for the next group of children to use. If the book is not in school on book changing day this will prompt an email reminder from your child’s class teacher or phonics teacher.

If the book has not been returned by the following book changing day a fine of £3.50 per missing book will be added to your Parent Pay account on this day.

Thank You,

KS1 Team

Crew Cooper

Crew Cooper enjoyed a story read by Mavis today! Well done Mavis. I am so impressed at how fluent and confident you have become with your reading this year!

Class 5: Super Swimmers!

Congratulations to Addison and Eli who have reached the next stage in their swimming classes! We are all super proud of you! We love to celebrate your out of school achievements and see what you have been up to!

CREW SCHON: Cooking Skills

Last week class 5 had an awesome time practising their kitchen skills. We learned how to make pancakes and we learned how to use kitchen tools safely. We can’t wait to show you our skill sat our Presentation of Learning!

Class 5: Presentation of Learning

Class 5 Presentation of learning will take place on Tuesday 25th March at 2pm. Children will be showcasing their skills of cutting, peeling and grating and will be earning their shrinky dink keyring charms in return for showcasing their skills! We can’t wait to show off our skills and receive our shrinky dink products. We hope you can join us.