I’m so sad that I couldn’t be with you all on today’s visit to The Deep. It looks like you had a fantastic time and I can’t wait to hear all about it tomorrow x

I’m so sad that I couldn’t be with you all on today’s visit to The Deep. It looks like you had a fantastic time and I can’t wait to hear all about it tomorrow x
We had a great time this afternoon at our KS1 disco. We had hot-dogs, sweets and drinks and danced with our friends! Even Mrs Shaw and Mrs Clay joined in the fun! A huge thanks to the Friends of Green Top for organising it for us.
If any of the year 1 children are missing their socks today it’s because they have worked them off in the first couple of days of the new term. We have been trying really hard with our phonics and reading – we had many more books to change today then usual – and are looking forward to sharing this learning with our parents and carers at our special phonics family learning events on Wedneaday for Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers’ groups, and on Thursday for Miss Cooper and Mrs. Clay’s groups.
We have been practising our addition and subtraction to 20 in maths and learning about food chains and the transference of energy in our expedition sessions.
We have also been adding watercolor to our artwork in preperation for our end of term gallery – watch this space for details of this event – and today Mr Kershaw helped us to begin to understand weather patterns!
Let’s hope we have enough energy left for tomorrow’s DISCO!
Miss Schon and Miss Rodgers x
Before half term children brought home a letter about our Phonics Family Learning event. We are excited to welcome you to your child’s phonics lesson to give you an insight on how your child learns phonics in school. The event will take place tomorrow and Thursday. Please see the letter below. If you are unsure which phonics group your child is in please check with your child’s class teacher.
Thank You
We are artists – we spent a very creative and theraputic afternoon today using a ‘step by step’ method to paint a jelly fish linked to our second case study – the sea. All of the children and their parents and carers produced beautiful artwork which will be included in our art gallery at the end of term.
Miss Rodgers and Miss Schon x
How lovely it was this morning to see the children so confidently sharing their favourite books with their parents and carers as part of World Read Aloud day. We finished the morning’s activity with me reading my own favourite book to everyone – The Great Dog Bottom Swap by Peter Bently.
Perhaps the children could read YOU a bedtime story tonight instead of the other way around!
We braved the cold for our final Kixx session yesterday and had a fantastic time showing off our newly learned skills in an energetic match.
Thanks so much Coach Kyle. See you next year!
Another fantastic story club this week. We enjoyed reading about Winnie the Witch celebrating the Chinese New Year and we found out about the different animals which represent each year in the Chinese tradition. Chinese New Year is going to be celebrated on 10th February this year and it will the year of the dragon! We also enjoyed making ourselves some Chinese lanterns just like we saw in our story. Well done boys and girls!
Thursday 8th February 2024, 2-3pm
We would love it if any parents and carers could come and join us for our art workshop on Wednesday. We will be starting our 2nd case study, which is about life in the sea and this will be a great way to hook the children into their learning. We are hoping that you will support your children with their art work but also have a go yourselves. We will be keeping your artwork to display in our art gallery at our Presentation of learning.
Please come to the office to sign in just before 2pm on Thursday 8th February.
Thank you
Miss Rodgers and Miss Schon
On Thursday, KS1 came together again to celebrate all things learning and HoWLs! Another fantastic week with lots of certificates and shout outs for those children achieving great things in all areas of learning and development. A big thank you to the parents and carers who could join us for the crew champion award and a big well done to Crew Hilton / Dutton on their hat trick … an impressive 3 weeks at the top of the attendance leaderboard – who will it be next week?