Year 4: Investigating Circuits

We had great fun yesterday in Crew Knowles investigating circuits and seeing if we could make the bulb light up. There was lots of cheering when the bulbs did light! I was so proud of the prior knowledge and resilience when investigating how to create a circuit and they didn’t give up until it worked! We then went on to investigate what would happen if we added more bulbs or more batteries.

We’re looking forward to experimenting with buzzers and switches later on in our learning!

Terrific Teeth!

Later on in our expedition we will be looking at teeth so during Hook Week, we created some nice fluffy ones that can be hung in our classroom to add to our environment!

Crew Knowles: immersion

Today we were introduced to our second case study – biology! We are looking forward to building on our KS1 knowledge of plants and animals and learn some of the more in depth characteristics of plants. Today, we created some lovely pictures to help decorate our classroom!

Crew Knowles: welcome back!

We’ve had a lovely first day back in Year 4 today! We spent the first part of the morning prepping for our upcoming SLCs and the second part, getting hooked into our science learning!

Our first case study is physics and focuses on electricity. We completed an electricity hunt around school and tried to decide whether the electrical devices were producing heat, movement, sound or light! We then sorted lots of electrical equipment based on whether it was mains or battery powered. A great start to our learning!

Y3/4 Christmas Costumes

Thank you to those that have fetched their costumes in to school so we can start to get prepared. If you haven’t already, please can you think about sending your child’s costume in this week so we can practise dress rehearsals etc.

Don’t forget that there is a limited amount of costumes in school that we can use so please speak to teacher’s if needed.

We are looking forward to sharing our Christmas production with you on Tuesday 13th December!



Year 3/4 HoWL Point Winners

Well done guys for being the winner of your crews for Being Kind, Working Hard and Getting Smart. This was our last crew assembly before Christmas and it’s been lovely to hear such lovely things from your crew members.

A shout out to Crew Faulding for being our whole crew HoWL point winners for a second week in a row! You should all be extremely proud of how hard you are working and for achieving lots of HoWL points! You stars!

The Year 3 and 4 Team x

Year 3/4 Christmas production and costumes

Year 3 and 4’s Christmas production will take place on Tuesday 13th December with a 9.30am start. An email will be sent with further details soon.

Christmas parts with costume ideas have been allocated to those children who wanted a part and your child should have fetched a letter home. We do also have some costumes in school so please speak to class teachers if you would like to use this option.

If your child has not received one, it is because they have opted to be in the choir and can just wear normal clothes but with a Christmas element such as a Christmas jumper.

Please send your costumes in to school once you have them so we can support where needed.

If you have any further questions, please speak to class teachers.

As always, thank you for your support!

Year 3/4

The Magical Christmas Jigsaw Nativity Play | Out of the Ark

Christmas opportunities in the community

Please see the attached flyers for some of the events happening in our local community over the Christmas period.