Year 6 spellings w/c 3.3.2025

Over the next week, Year 6 will be focusing on spellings words with silent letters. The children will be tested on the following spellings at the end of next week.

thumb wrist knife lamb plumber  island  column  listen whistle sword

Click on the link below if you need to remind yourself about silent letters.

KS2 Disco Divas!

KS2 children had a blast at our Valentine’s Day Disco yesterday – lots of hotdogs, dancing and sweets were enjoyed by all 🙂 Mr Mumby took to the decks and by children’s request, the highly acclaimed tune – ‘Sigma Boy’ – had the school hall jumping like never before!

Crew Knowles are artists!

We had a lovely art lesson this morning looking at the different artists of the Little People Big Dreams books before completing our first draft of our chosen person. The children chose either Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King or Emmeline Pankhurst to draw in the style of the Little People Big Dreams, and the sketches will be used in the final product!

e-Safety Orienteering Drop-in Session!

On Tuesday 11th February, to mark Safer Internet Day, we will be hosting an e-Safety ‘drop in session’ for children and parents. The session will run from 14:00 – 15:00 and will involve some orienteering fun around the school grounds, with a link to e-Safety and staying safe online.

Please book your place to attend the session with your children via the link below.

Parents and carers will be able to meet and collect children from the school hall. We look forward to seeing everyone!