Y5/6 Presentation of Learning

We had a lovely presentation of learning this afternoon with lots of adults coming to celebrate the work completed this expedition. We also sold lots of gorgeous notebooks and we loved seeing them going off to their new homes!

Remember you can still purchase notebooks for £3.50 with cash or via ParentPay.

Year 5 and 6 – Check out our beautiful expedition product

The children have worked so hard this term on their expedition with the title and guiding question, ‘Fight for your rights: How can one moment influence our future?’ We are so proud of their amazing artwork and the way it has come together to be made into a ring bound notebook linked to the inspirational figures we have studied in history. The notebook can be purchased from Monday and will first be on sale at the Year 5 and 6 presentation of learning during the afternoon using cash. The notebook will also be added to parentpay next week where you can purchase using bank card. The cost of the notebook will be £3:50.

We look forward to seeing you at our Presentation of Learning coffee afternoon on Monday at 2pm. If you haven’t yet completed the google form please click here  to share whether you will be attending.

Year 6 visit to the park

This morning we have enjoyed the opportunity to get out in the sunshine and explore the new play equipment at the park. It was very exciting to get the chance to go on the amazing new play area before it is officially opened to the public tomorrow. We also loved searching for the rocks that the year 2 children decorated and hide in the park for us to find. It is definitely worth a visit this weekend!

Y5/6 Coffee afternoon- Presentation of Learning

Dear parents and carers,

We would like to invite you to see our amazing product from our Spring term expedition: ‘Fight for your rights: How can one moment influence our future?’

Y5/6 will be holding a drop-in coffee afternoon in the hall on Monday 24th March, from 2 -3 pm to view their final product and share their work from this expedition. When arriving, please go straight to the hall entering school via Ashtree Close and your child will be collected from their classroom to join you.

Please click here to complete the google form to share whether you will be attending.

The children have worked very hard on drafting and redrafting their artwork which will be showcased in an A5 wire-bound notebook; more information regarding the cost and how to purchase one will follow shortly.

As always, thanks for your continued support, The Year 5 and Year 6 Staff Team

Year 6 Spelling Revision

In the KS2 SATs, children are tested on spelling rules from Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6. On the attachment below, you will find an outline of each of the spelling rules, as well as words that meet the criteria of the rule. Over the next few weeks, it would be helpful for your child if they could discuss different spelling patterns at home and practice some of the words that may potentially be in the SATs test.

If you have any questions please ask a member of the Year 6 Staff Team. Thank you

Green Top Science Week

Keep a look out on the blog this week for what we will be getting up to in our science weeks. We are planning to inspire the children with scientific experiments and visitors with scientific professions! We are very excited to see what the children know already and what they learn!
