Key stage 1 nativity updates

Please can all of the children make sure that their costumes are in school with their teachers by Monday morning ready for our dress rehearsal…thanks so much for those that we have received already! If there are any problems, please do speak to someone in school.

Also, speaking parts have been sent out again as some children really need to practise them over the weekend. Thanks so much for supporting us with this!

If anyone is wanting any extra tickets, please speak to a member of staff on the door as there are lots of tickets still available and we would love to have a great audience to show off the children’s hard work to!

Thanks so much for your support

Mrs Shaw and the key stage 1 team! x x

Class 7 – Christmas Jumper Day!

Thank you to everybody for taking part in the national Christmas jumper day for Save the Children – all of your donations are so appreciated! Don’t forget we have our own Green Top Christmas jumper day on our last day of term as well -Friday 22nd December.

Key stage 1’s fantastic panto…oh yes it was!!!

We had such an incredible time at Cast this afternoon watching the pantomime ‘Beauty and the beast’. The children enjoyed the sweetie treats, danced, sang and joined in with booing, cheering and clapping! Thank you so much to our parents and carers for being patient with our return…we appreciate it as always! We hope that they have told you all about it this evening and will be a memory for them for years to come.

Key stage 1 crew x x x

The Pride of Thorne Awards Ceremony 2023 – A KS1 Celebration of Learning

This evening, we are delighted to have held our KS1 Celebration of Learning – the very first Green Top Pride of Thorne Awards Ceremony!

This very special event has brought together nominees from across our local community who have been recognised for their invaluable work both with and for the people of Thorne. From foodbanks to emergency services to care homes … The list and variety of work celebrated this evening was phonomenol and each and every award was so well deserved. Congratulations to all of you!

Special thanks go to our KS1 children and their parents / carers for their ongoing support in both our learning journey towards this event and the success of our event this evening – we really couldn’t do it without you.

A huge thank you and well done from everyone in the KS1 team x

Not all heroes wear capes!

This is Reid and his sister Neve. Reid and Neve have picked a tag for a child in need at Xmas, they have bought a gift that was written on the tag and written a card too. These will be dropped off and donated to children that are in need of a christmas present. Great work Reid and Neve! We think you are heroes for helping those that are less fortunate in our community.

Miss Hilton and Mrs Dutton

**** Key stage 1 Celebration of Learning ****

It’s time to get your glad rags on!

Just a little reminder that key stage 1 have a celebration of learning this Thursday the 23rd November 2023, 4pm – 5pm. It is a celebration of their learning in this expedition and they will be presenting special guests with a certificate for being a local community hero.

Please make sure you fill in the google form so that we know who is attending the event.

Thanks, we are looking forward to it…

From the Key Stage 1 team

Is your child using the latest version of Timetables Rockstars?

I have been notified by TTRS (Maths Circle) that many children are using out-of-date versions of the game which may not have the new functionalities.

It’s important that they use the latest versions of the app and and website to ensure they receive the most secure, feature-rich and enjoyable experience of Times Tables Rock Stars. Some of the versions are so far behind that they’re missing out on key updates. 


If using the website at home, please ask parents to visit to load the latest version in their device’s browser. Otherwise please to update the Times Tables Rock Stars app from the app store.


Mr Mumby