Year 2 visitor

Year 2 have had a special visitor this afternoon from James Fenwick who is a firefighter working for Humberside fire and rescue service. He told us all about his job and what he does day to day, his special kit that he wears and how to stay safe near fires and what to do in an emergency.

The children have loved asking questions and gained lots of new knowledge all about a local hero.

Thank you

The year 2 team

KS1 – request for cardboard boxes

Next week, the children in Years 1 & 2 will be making box model houses to support their learning about the Great Fire of London. If you have any suitable boxes at home please can you send one into school with your child. Boxes from everyday kitchen goods are ideal, such as cereal and tea bag boxes.

Thank you for your continued support with our learning, The KS1 team x

Key stage 1 superhero day!!!

I really hope that everyone loved our superhero themed day! The children were testing their strength, agility, co-ordination, shooting skills and balance today with our outside activities that were set up for our super heroes. There are more photos that will be shared but here is a quick video of some of the fun!

Have a lovely weekend

from Mrs Shaw and the key stage 1 team x x

KS1 Superhero Family Learning

This afternoon, we held our first KS1 family learning event of the year. Thank you to all of the parents/carers who were able to join us to take part in some superhero skill based activities – water pistol shoot-out, archery and super strength tyre flipping to name just a few! We look forward to welcoming you into school again soon and hope you enjoyed our fun afternoon.

Class 7 – Another Fantastic Week

Well done to Class 7 on another fantastic week in Year 2. This week we have enjoyed lots of hook activities to engage us in our learning and we look forward to getting started with our expedition and Year 2 curriculum next week. We have enjoyed team games, such as tying ourselves into a human knot and working together to untangle ourselves … great problem solving boys and girls, keep it up!

Our Superhero dress up day has been fantastic and a huge thank you for everyone taking part – you all looked amazing. Here’s to a super weekend for you all!

Y1 and Y2 homework menus

Apologies to those parents who could not access the menus. We are looking into the issue. In the meantime here is a screenshot of each year group’s menu.

Children should be able to access these menus at any time from the KS1 Extended Study section in the ‘Children’ drop down menu on the front page of the blog if they are logged on with their own Green Top email address.

Please let me know if you have any more problems

Miss Rodgers

KS1/Y2 – A Visit from our local Mayor

This morning, the children in KS1 were granted a meeting with Susan Durant our local Mayor where they found out all about her fantastic work in the community as well as the work of the local food bank. The children asked lots of questions about Susan’s work and experiences and were able to share the fabulous community work they have been getting up to these last two weeks. Susan was super impressed with the children and enjoyed her visit so much, including sharing a tasty lunch in our lunch hall. Thank you so much for visiting, Susan – we look forward to working with you again soon!

(More photos to follow)