NSPCC – Kindness Week – Non Uniform Day!

A reminder that tomorrow will be a whole school non-uniform day to raise money for the NSPCC. We are asking for a donation of £1 to support their charity.

Challenge – To end the week, could you complete a random act of kindness at home or in our local community and send a photograph to your teacher.

Crew Hilton/ Dutton half term home learning/ out of school achievements.

We’ve had some fantastic home learning and out of school achievements this half term from class 7. We’ve had some beautiful models of The Great Fire of London and we’ve had all sorts of out of school achievements from swimming certificates, football trophies and gymnastics! Keep working hard everyone, we cant wait to see what you can achieve next term.

Miss Hilton, Mrs Dutton and Mrs Clay

Class 7 Shout Outs

All of the children in Class 7 have been working super hard this week. We’ve been learning about Martin Luther King in expedition ready for speech writing next week and, in maths, we have been extending our place value knowledge into addition and subtraction by adding tens to 2 and 3 digit numbers!

A few special shout outs to mention … Well done to Tianna and Ava D who are our first sparkly pencil owners for showing consistently beautiful handwriting and pride in presentation – well done girls! Who will be next?

Also, keep up the good work shout outs for Charlotte who is working on what is sure to be a fantastic piece of GFOL artwork, and to Jack who is enjoying reading his new ‘big boy’ chapter book from the book sale! Well done both of you.

And a final shout out goes to Martha who has had a brilliant idea to create a class chores list with the HoWLs reward attached. She has even started a fabulous presentation to help get Mrs Dutton and Miss Hilton off the starting blocks! Watch out boys and girls because you will be helping us to develop this next week ready for an official launch in Class 7 after the half-term break.

Class 7 – We LOVE reading!

What a busy but fantastic week we’ve had in Class 7! To mark the end of National Reading Week, we took some time to just chill and enjoy reading books of our choice for pleasure. We also enjoyed hearing Mrs Dutton read her purchase from the book sale – The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me, by Roald Dahl.

Well done boys and girls on all of your learning this week – keep up the hard work for one more week before half term!

Class 7 – National Poetry Day

Today is National Poetry Day and in Class 7 we have been finding lots of different poems online to listen to. We also explored the poem, My Treasures, during our crew session before having a go at writing some of our own … and finding out just how tricky poetry writing can be!

You can have a look at the poem, My Treasures, below but there are so many wonderful poems out there for you to find and enjoy. Don’t forget to keep having a go at writing your own poems at home and bring them in for us all to hear at school.

Apply for a Blue Peter Book Badge!

Blue Peter are offering the chance for you to apply for a Book Badge which has been designed by Quentin Blake! What an exciting opportunity!

More information can be found on their webpage:


A copy of the form that you needs to be completed can also be found below for you to print.

Please let us know if you apply for one!

Crew Hilton/ Dutton’s visit to the library

As part of our reading week this week we have visited Thorne library. The children have really enjoyed going to the library and seeing all the different books they have and all the different places they can read them. Everyone was so sensible on our walk to and from the library and we saw some fantastic role models.

Thank you all for a lovely afternoon spent reading.

Miss Hilton, Mrs Dutton and Mrs Clay

Year 2 – Bringing the Great Fire of London to life!

This afternoon, Year 2 worked with our resident fire-starter Mr Kershaw to recreate the Great Fire of London on the playground. We lined up our box model houses and watched as the flames crept from house to house, fanned by the warm air and wind – just like in 1666! Then we created fire breaks, just like they did in the real fire, and we saw how this helped to stop the fire from spreading.