Reception Welcome

Now that we are all settled into Reception. We will keep parents up to date with things that are happening in school through our class blogs. Today we wanted to share a few expectations that help to keep things running smoothly.

  • Please ensure all uniform is labelled with your child’s name. If it is not labelled staff will label it. This ensures we have minimal – no lost property in school
  • Please ensure children bring a bag to school each day to keep their belongings safe. Children are asked to keep many things safe in their backpack and it also helps children to carry all of their belongings at the end of the day (water bottles, jumpers, cardigans, art work, letters etc)
  • All children should bring a name labelled water bottle filled with water only every day
  • Please remember we have a no toys rule in school – please keep all toys/teddy bears etc at home
  • All children will need a change of clothes in their backpack in case of any accidents or getting wet or dirty during play

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask a member of the Reception team in person or contact us via email.

We are looking forward to a wonderful year in Reception with your child creating precious memories.

Mrs Wallace and Mrs Jones x

Reception- hooking into expedition!

Today the reception children hooked into their new expedition ‘Be kind’ exploring the question ‘How do we show we care?’ The children gave thought to how we can care in our school, home and further community. The children painted stones for their school kindness garden and had a wonderful day being a kind crew!

Reception – Class 4 postcard winner!

Well done Isaac for a wonderful first week in reception! You are a role model to your crew showing kindness and compassion in many ways! We are so lucky to have you in our crew! Thank you for being a good friend!

What a Wonderful week!

We have had a great first week in class for, getting to know each other and having fun! Thank you to everyone for making our first week so awesome. Can’t wait to see what we all achieve this year.

Reception rainbows!

Today in our crew session the children created excitement rainbows! The children did a wonderful job of colouring them in and drawing the things that make them feel happy and excited now they have joined reception! The children shared with their peers the things that make them feel this way!

Reception at Greentop camp!

Today the children in reception enjoyed lots of camp activities on the big field! The children took part toasting marshmallows, reading stories in the tents, playing bean bag toss and bat and ball! Here are some of our magical moments!

Reception Book and a Biscuit

We had a fabulous afternoon doing some Reading and celebrating our First Week Back. I was so proud of how the children read beautifully with their grown ups.
We had a great time and we hope you did too!

Thanks for coming

F2 Team

Reception (F2) Book and a biscuit

Hi Reception Crew! We cannot wait to see you all tomorrow and welcome you back into school and your new classes for a week of fun and crew building!

We would love to invite our F2 grown ups to come and join us for a book and a biscuit in Reception on Thursday 29th August (this week.)  from 2-3pm.

Please come to the Ash Tree Road entrance to school to begin at 2pm. We can’t wait to share our stories while enjoying a delicious treat.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Miss Carter and the F2 Crew 🙂

Reception celebrate Diversity!

This week in reception the children have given careful thought to how they are all different and unique. The children celebrated this by talking about their favourite things to do, what is special about them and enjoyed many activities in provision. The children painted pictures using their unique fingerprints and handprints, painted and drew pictures of their families, friends, hearts and rainbows. We read together the Big book of families and Mixed.


Miss R transition day 2

We’ve had another awesome day working in our new classroom. We began and ended the day by sharing our reading books with our parents and carers and showing them our new classroom. We completed work on understanding British Values and how they help us to live safely and fairly in our country and designed characters for our new zones of regulation. Once again I was blown away by how the children have dealt with this huge change and with the work they have completed over the last two days. I really can’t wait to be your teacher. Thanks so much superstars!

Miss R x