Maths Week Challenge 5

Today is NSPCC Number Day and TTRockstars are holding an NSPCC Rocks event! Support our school by logging in to your TTRockstars and taking part! The competition is open until 7.30pm.

If you don’t have a TTRockstars account you could play other online games on websites such as Hit the Button or Maths Frame!

Have fun!

Phonics RED words!

The children have been working ever so hard this year with their phonics learning and are doing so well with their reading and writing. Not only do they have to learn to blend and segment green words (decodable words) they also learn to read Red words (sight words). Red words are the words that the children don’t blend or segment and they just know them on sight. To help them further with their confidence of Red words I have added a list below of their first set of Red words and a few fun ways to help them learn them at home. Please send in photographs of your children’s learning or write how well they have done in their reading diary’s.

Have fun!

The Reception Team.

Red words

the, I, he, she, is, to, go, of, as, we, are, you, into.

F2 Family Learning

We were very lucky to have an amazing Family Learning session in F2 this afternoon. We were exploring our expedition focusing on how things grow and change. We were thinking about things that help us to grow and change like a healthy diet, exercise, taking care of our teeth and looking after our bones.

A massive thank you to all the grown ups who managed to join us this afternoon. It was lovely to see so many faces and the children really enjoyed welcoming you into their classrooms.

Well done Reception Crew

The F2 Team x

Exploring 6,7,8.

In F2 we have been looking at the numbers 6,7 and 8. We have been looking at the composition of the numbers and how we can represent in different ways. the children managed to find lots of different ways to show us the numbers. We have been so impressed with how hard they are all working.

Well done Reception Crew.

I wonder what we will discover next week ?

Reception Team

Reception’s postcard winner!

Congratulations to Scarlett for being a true Stickability Stan this week with her maths learning! Scarlett grappled with building the number 7. She kept on trying, didn’t give up and asked for help until she achieved! Well done Scarlett and keep up the great work!

Maths Week Challenge 4!

Well done to those who have taken part in our challenges so far – you’ve done a fantastic job! Here is the challenge for day 4! There are 3 different levels for you to choose from depending on whether or not you want a challenge!

Remember to send your pictures of the things you find to your teachers or to [email protected]

We can’t wait to see what you find on your scavenger hunt!