Reception Bollywood Dancing

We had a fabulous treat today and had the pleasure of some Bollywood dancing this morning. We learned a dance and then performed it to our grown ups that came to join us.

Then our grown ups performed the dance for us!

We enjoyed it so much and we had so much fun!

A huge thank you to everybody that came today and thanks to all our parents/carers for supporting us to provide such great experiences.

Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.

Reception Team

Annual Poppy Appeal

Crew Councillors will be going around classes from tomorrow with our Poppy Appeal products. We have recommended donations of £1 for snap bands, wristbands and stationery with zip tags and key rings 50p.

This afternoon, we have been creating our school wreath ready to send to the Remembrance Day Celebrations.

EYFS Family Learning Wednesday 1st November

Hello All,

We hope you have enjoyed the half term break and are feeling rested ready for our return to school tomorrow morning.

A reminder that Nursery and Reception family learning will run throughout the day on Wednesday 1st November in the school hall. Before half term, your child’s class teacher will have given you a slip with your child’s designated time for their dance session. The sessions are as follows:

9.30 am – 10.15 am – Some of Nursery

10.15 am – 11 am – Some of Reception

1pm – 1.45pm – Remainder of Reception

1.45 pm – 2.30 pm – Remainder of Nursery

One parent/carer is invited to attend to join the children for Diwali/Bollywood dancing. Please come to the main school entrance 5 minutes prior to your designated time to sign in and ensure a prompt start.

If you haven’t already done so, please pay £5 on your child’s Parent Pay which covers the cost for yourself and your child to take part in what will be a very exciting and memorable family learning. School uniform is not required on Wednesday and we encourage children and adults to dress in comfortable clothing and trainers in readiness for the day ahead.

If you have any further questions, please ask a member of staff.

Many thanks for your ongoing support in your child’s learning.

Mrs Hay & The EYFS Team

South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue “Kitchen Nightmares” Competition

The competition is the first part of our “Kitchen Nightmares” campaign that will be running throughout the autumn. Children aged between 6-12 are invited to take part.

Our advice to help you avoid a kitchen nightmare is:

  • Keep electrical leads, cardboard and fabrics well away from the hob and keep ovens, hobs and grills clean from grease and crumbs
  • Keep an eye on cooking at all times and never leave it unattended
  • Switch off cooking appliances when you’ve finished cooking and gone to bed

Find more information here.

NSPCC – Kindness Week – Non Uniform Day!

A reminder that tomorrow will be a whole school non-uniform day to raise money for the NSPCC. We are asking for a donation of £1 to support their charity.

Challenge – To end the week, could you complete a random act of kindness at home or in our local community and send a photograph to your teacher.

Reception- Owl Babies

The children in reception have explored the key text ‘Owl babies’ as part of their expeditionary guiding question ‘What do stories tell us about Autumn? ‘ The children have focussed on the descriptive language in the text and of recalling the story to each other. Here is some of our beautiful work.

NSPCC ‘The Kindness Challenge’

Next week, we will be taking part in a week full of activities linking to Kindness. This is part of the NSPCC fundraising and awareness week.

We will be taking part in lots of fun activities during Crew each day and there will be lots of opportunities for children to complete Kindness Challenges at home too.

Next Friday, to raise money for the NSPCC, we will be holding a Non-Uniform Day for donations of £1.

Reception- Crew Carter

Today is National Poetry Day!

The Reception children explored the poem ‘Take a deep breath’ and we enjoyed many Autumn poems. We had fun listening for rhyming words and words that described Autumn or talked about feelings.

The children read listened to and joined in with the poem before thinking carefully about how they feel when they feel calm and the kinds of things they like to do.