Please see the extended study menu below. Choose one of the different tasks each week to complete and enjoy! If you scroll to the bottom, you will also find times table practise as well as the Y3/4 spellings. We can’t wait to see your home learning!
Year 4: Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)
Year 4 parents, please find information regarding the MTC which the children will sit in June.
We are working really hard on times tables in school and will continue to do so throughout the year in the run up to the MTC.
You can help at home by encouraging your child to use their TTRockstars account regularly. Jamming and Soundcheck modes are particularly useful.
Y3/4 Celebration of Learning
Year 3/4 will celebrate their expedition ‘Ancient Innovators: What did the Romans do for Doncaster?’ on Thursday 7th December between 2pm and 3pm.
We would like to invite Y3/4 parents to a coffee afternoon in the hall where you can drop in between the times of 2pm and 3pm to sit with your child and look through all of their learning on the Romans! We will also launch our website all about the Romans which the children have been working hard on for their expedition product!
More details will follow but we look forward to celebrating our learning with you soon!
Year 3/4 Extended Study
Below, you can find the Year 3/4 extended study for our current expedition on Romans. We are looking forward to seeing all of the lovely and creative work that you produce!
Year 3/4 Expedition Overview
Please see the information below about our new expedition this term! We are looking forward to learning all about the Romans and what they brought to Doncaster. Here you can see some of the texts we are using, the curriculum we are covering and the key dates.
Year 4 SPaG Site
Mrs Jackson has put together a SPaG resource website where the children and parents can access lots of resources to support with learning and understanding of spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Access the SPaG site by clicking the button below!