A wonderful week…

This week in Class 6, we have been reading the story ‘Beegu’ and spent lots of time comprehending and inferring the text. Today, we got to read the complete story and create some Talk4Writing symbols in collaborative groups. The children thoroughly loved the book and worked brilliantly sharing beautifully together.

The children in my phonics group have been working so hard this week on reading and writing words with the zz, ch, qu and ur digraph. They have particularly loved hunting outside for words, finger writing with paint and even writing on the carpet in chalk. Keep up the hard work! 🙂

  1. Dexter told us he’s good at writing in phonics because he can use the chalk on the carpet. We have seen a massive improvement at home this term! Thanks to all the teachers he has got phonics… he says there’s lots!

  2. I am so glad Dexter is enjoying phonics and is showing a great improvement! I’m incredibly proud of how hard he works. Well done Dexter

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