This is a reminder that Year 3 will be going on their trip to Bridlington on Friday 17th June.
Children are allowed to wear suitable non-uniform. It looks like the hot weather is going to continue so please make sure children have t-shirts that cover their shoulders, sun hats and suncream.
They will also need to make sure they bring a drink of water and a packed lunch. Any children who receive free school meals are entitled to a packed lunch from school if required.
The coach will leave at 9:00am so please make sure you arrive on time. If children want to bring a book, notepad or fidget toy for the bus this is fine. However, each child is responsible for whatever they bring with them. No electronic games please.
Children do not need to bring any money. We will provide games and activities for the children while at the beach.
We will be arriving back at school around 4 o’clock.
If you have any questions, places let us know.