Year 3/4 Reading at Home!

We have kickstarted our new ‘reading at home’ scheme for the Year 3/4 children! Every child in Y3/4 should have brought home their books yesterday ready to read at home! The children will have also fetched a reading at home challenge sheet so that they can earn HoWLs points and work their way up to becoming an ‘excellent home reader’!

Please ensure that the children bring their reading books and packs back daily even if they haven’t finished the book yet. We will be checking this in crew in a morning as it will help us to keep track of where the books are and how often the children are reading.

Once the children have finished their book, they can quiz using the Accelerated Reader programme either at home or at school!

Year 5/6 – this will be launching for you soon!

Below is a copy of the reading log which children should have fetched home with them.