Year 1 Trip

We hope the children are excited for our class trip tomorrow!

Just a few things to note for our trip tomorrow:

Please could all children come to school wearing their normal school uniform and comfortable, sensible footwear. It is not currently due to rain tomorrow but a sensible coat and footwear is essential. We will be spending time both inside and outdoors during our visit. Please can children bring a backpack to keep all their belongings in such as their packed lunch and a spare change of clothes. This also helps us to ensure children’s belongings do not go missing throughout the day. Children will also need to be able to carry their own belongings to and from the coach/destination so a backpack really helps with this.

Children do not need any spending money for the trip.

Please ensure children arrive promptly at 8:30am for the register and to board the coaches!

We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!