Science Club Investigations

We’ve had a busy few weeks in science club and have some great pictures to share. Last week, we investigated with skittles. We predicted whether cold, warm or hot water would make the colours run the quickest. After, we found out that the hot water made the colours run quicker. This was because the particles in the hot water move quicker than in cold, making the colour rub off quicker.

Today, Kianna, Eleanor and Annabelle presented their choice of investigation – DIY Lava Lamps. We talked about how liquids can have different densities and this means that oil and water will stay separate. We added some bicarbonate of soda and watch the bubbles of gas move up.

Your challenge – Can you make your own lava lamps over half term? You could investigate how adding vinegar or lemon juice changes the reaction. You might want to try turning off the lights and adding a torch to get an even better effect. Make sure you take some pictures of your investigations!