As part of their expeditionary learning this week the children have been busy baking biscuits to raise funds towards our final product ‘A bear for every child’. Each child will be bringing home a delicious bundle of biscuits today that they are very proud of! If you feel able to donate to this worthy product please donate on ParentPay. The suggested amount will show as £1:00 but any donations are more than welcome.
The money raised will buy every child a teddy bear to take home. Each bear will come with a tag around its neck including a QR code to show the learning journey of the expedition. We will also be buying bears for a local charity to distribute the bears to the families they work with.
The celebration of learning will be a celebration performance and teddy bears picnic to showcase our learning from the expedition. (30th November 2pm) The children will share their performances showcasing their learning using songs and stories about ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ and each child will receive their bear. You are invited to bring a picnic afterwards as we share in a final teddy bears picnic together!

What a beautiful thing to do!
Thank you for our donations so far! Very kind !