Places for tomorrow (5th January)

All staff will be on site tomorrow to welcome those children who have indicated they require a place at school. Please head to your classroom doors as you were before christmas and we will make decisions about year group bubbles dependent on the number of children indicating on the google form tomorrow.

Parents who are in receipt of free school meals will be informed tomorrow of the provision in place from Wednesday.

Thanks for your continued support.

Mrs Claira Salter

  1. I have put Childcare in place for Tuesday the 5th, for Alexsis and Damion, as I was unsure if you would be open or not. I have completed the forms for both for after that.

      • Mrs Salter, sorry it is late. After speaking to work and childcare today, we will just need school Monday and Tuesdays. We will home school as much as possible the rest of the week. See you next Monday, take care!

        • Claira Salter

          Thanks so much for your support with this – if anything changes please do get in touch, both children have places on the other days if required.
          Mrs Salter

  2. Kelly Homar

    Thank you for the update and for all the efforts you and the staff are making after being given very little time to put things in place. It is very much appreciated.

    • Claira Salter

      Thanks for your kind comments, I’m lucky to work in a school with fabulous staff, compassionate parents and the most awesome children!

  3. Alexander Cameron

    Filled forms for both my children Oscar and Charlie, Many Thanks and keep safe all

  4. Laura honeybone

    Hi I work every Wednesday,Thursday and Friday. Can Georgie attend these days please.

  5. Joanne Boocock

    Hi miss Salter ruby and jayden will attend Tuesdays, wednesdays and Thursdays is it possible for the other 2 days that they can get learning papers ?
    Because me and my partner work in shifts and there is only 1 of us at home but we just have 1 laptop and we have our toddler running around so there is no chance for us to concentrate on their school work on the tablet/laptop.

    Kind regards
    Joanne Boocock

  6. Hi I dont know if I’m to late to apply for places for lexii and zoe we wasn’t sure if lexiis dad would be back at work but he’s back tomorrow

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