Class 6 Read Anywhere….

As a celebration of Reading Week and to help decorate our reading area class 6 have a request. We would like to display photographs of us reading in unusual places. This could be in the garden, in the dark, in the bath, in the dog’s kennel…the more unusual the better! Be as imaginative and inventive as you like! See below for photographs of past year groups for inspiration!

You can print them and send them in or email them to me at…

[email protected]

Thank you in advance

Miss R x

Book Sale Fun!

It was lovely to see lots of faces making the most of our Book Sale this afternoon! Remember the book sale is open each afternoon for the rest of this week and books are 50p each.

class 8- reading for pleasure

We had a bit of time before lunch today where the children got to choose a book of their choice and read to themselves or with friends before lunch. It was lovely to see them so engaged in their reading today. Keep it up class 8!

Parents Evening

Hi all, for those of you who have scheduled an appointment for tonight, please enter school through the hall. We will then direct you to where you need to be.

EYFS and Y5/6 staff will be located in the hall, other staff will be in their classrooms.

We have invited other professionals to attend this evening, they will also be located in the hall. Some of our crew councillors will be joining us to host a book sale and a ‘guess how many sweets in the pumpkin’ game. Green Top ambassadors will be available to show you to classrooms and answer any questions about our school.

Mrs Fitzpatrick, Mrs Faulding, Mrs Cook and Miss Carter will be in the hall to answer any questions regarding SEND, attendance and also updating consent information and medical forms.

We look forward to seeing you!