Last night, Year 5 celebrated their learning exploration by delivering a lecture to their parents and VIPs! The lecture was held at Trinity Academy and was based on the current theme ‘What Lights up our World?’ The lecture focused on ‘forces’ and was a great celebration of the learning that has taken place over the last term.
The Year 5’s were extremely confident, and their presentation skills were phenomenal! They did themselves, their parents, and us, extremely proud!
Thank you for all that came and supported and we hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Well done Y5, once again you made me very proud. Thanks to the staff for inspiring such a great product.
Could not attend due to being ill to see my granddaughter Kadie.Her Grandad Ray came home beaming saying it had been absolutely fabulous and was so proud of Kadie but the whole presentation credit to pupils and their teachers inspirational school hope some one made a video ??
There was a video recording made so hopefully you’ll get to see it once the editing is complete.