WOW, what a week it has been this week, from all of KS1 staff, a huge thank you for everyones hard word during our assessment week. We have seen some incredible improvements, especially in maths. I think that might be down to the wonderful work done on TTRockstars and Numbots.
Our stewardship shoutouts this week were for children who have been keeping their classrooms neat and tidy and taking ownership of their actions, choosing to tidy up after themselves but also doing it for their peers too. It is lovely to see such kind and helpful children in our phase!
We even had an amazing reading shoutout for Thea this week for getting her Gold reading certificate! What a superstar.
The best attendance this week goes to Crew Rodgers, well done to everyone in Crew Rodgers, who can beat them next week?!
Another HUGE shoutout to our Out Of This World’s this week. We found it so hard to choose this week, as everyone has worked so hard, but big well done to Lauren, Luna, Ethan, Ava, Reid and Ava-Leigh!!
I wonder who will be Out Of This World next week……