Fantastic family learning

What a wonderful afternoon class 6 have had today on their family learning event. Continuing with our current expedition, ‘What can I do to be a superhero in my community?’, we embarked on a clean up campaign along the banks of the canal. It was a beautiful day for a walk and, although we didn’t find much litter to pick up, we were pleased that our local community are following our keep Thorne clean values, and that we are making those small changes that have huge effect. It was also wonderful to hear the comments of some of the local residents that we passed along the way as to how lovely it was to see our polite and happy children out and about in the community again. Miss Wilkins, Mr Wright and I couldn’t be more proud of the way you behaved. I would also like to say a huge thank-you to all of the children’s family members who took time out of their day to join us on our litter-pick. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Check out the gallery below for photographs of our afternoon.