Class 11 past two weeks! 📝🔢🌸🦴

Here is a little update of Class 11s first two week backs after Christmas, now that photos are full working!

In our hook week, we looked into our first Case Study, which will look at electricity and other fuels. We thought it was a great idea to walk around school and search for different electrical appliances. We found so many!

As part of our Case Study 2 hook day, we were looking at biology and more specifically flowers. We labelled the different parts of our artistic flowers and created some beautiful designs!

Next, we looked at the other part of Case Study 2, which will be looking into humans. We created some really fantastic x-rays, so lets hope these are the only x-rays for Class 11 this year!

This week we have started our Case Study fully and have developed our knowledge further of electricity and more specifically circuits. We worked well collaboratively and persevered to make the different circuits light up. Not only can we make circuits, we can name the components of a circuit!

Other great learning has taken place and more beautiful work has been produced, which we can’t wait to continue sharing!

On a personal note, thank you Class 11 for making me feel very welcome and a part of the Crew. Let’s keep being amazing and producing more wonderful work. Happy weekend, guys! 😆