Check out our Year 1 Learning Legends!

Well today I have seen some amazing work shared on our Year 1 classroom and via email.  It has been a difficult choice but 3 children particularly impressed me today!

Well done Jack, Scarlett and Erin!!!

Jack you have worked so hard at improving your presentation in English and today I was blown away by your work.  You even perfected the formation of a question mark by practicing with chalk on the driveway!

Scarlett you always send me beautiful work via email and today was no different.  You are on every year 1 hangout and you always bring a smile to my face.  Keep it up!

Erin you always produce your very best work and have blown me away over the last few weeks with the quality of your home learning.  I love your enthusiasm for our expedition and can’t wait to see if your caterpillar turns into a butterfly!

Check some of their awesome work below.