Well done to Henry, Louis-John, Callum, Alex and Jayden who represented Green Top at a maths quiz, hosted by Trinity Academy. The boys had to work as a team to complete a range of puzzles to crack a code. The Y6 teaching team are very proud of you all!

Celebrating healthy teeth

Well done to Nursery Children for a great toothbrushing club this half term! The  excitement over stories and songs, questions and great habits we see with our very young children are most impressive! Keep it up!


Green top certificate



Happy Easter Class 11!!

After a very busy morning of doing their Star Reader tests, and critiquing their books ready for our Child Led Conferences after the holidays, we felt that the children deserved a treat.

We celebrated a fantastic term that has been so full of learning, developing and confidence building, by watching a film, colouring in all things Eastery and eating sweet treats and drinking milkshakes and juice.

Well done you bunch of super stars! Have a wonderful break and come back raring to go for our final adventure together- I cannot wait!

Miss Laing, Mrs Hardman and Mrs Roe x

p.s don’t eat too much chocolate! Haha

Diversity Week 2019

Just take a look at some of the amazing self portaits produced by Class 11!

As part of Diversity Week, the children have created a self portrait by sketching, focussing on facial proportions and then by using oil pastels and perfecting their techniques of blending to show the different lines/shadows of their own faces.

To go alongside these magnificent pieces of art work, the children have also written a paragraph describing what makes them special and unique and why this should be celebrated.

I definitely think that we have got some budding artists in our classroom!

Miss Laing x

Charity PJ Day!!

Look at how snuggly they all are! It might just be everyone’s ideal day by getting to go to school/work in your pjs but it was actually for a very worthy cause.


The children in Year 3/4 brainstormed many different ways to raise money for the charity Habitat for Humanity and this was the result.


Extremely proud of you all for being such caring, generous and thoughtful children. Don’t ever change!

Miss Laing x


Reading comprehension with a twist!

Last week, Class 11 worked hard with their learning buddies to answer a set of comprehension questions based on our class text, I survived…the sinking of the Titanic!

This term we have tried to really develop our skills to unpick a text in order to find the key information needed to answer a question but this activity tested this.

The children had a set of answers in an envelope and had to reveal one answer at a time and then refer back to the text to double check that the answer was correct.

Despite finding this tricky at first, they showed their resilience and all worked very hard and found it an interesting way of doing this sort of activity.

Well done everyone! We will try more of these next term.

Miss Laing x

Super Stars!

Very proud of Keira for swimming 10 metres with the backstroke last week. I’ve seen first hand Keira swimming with our class on a Tuesday afternoon and her technique is absolutely amazing and she continues to improve and push herself more each time. Keep it up sweetie!!


Also, a huge well done to Jensen on his creation of the ‘Titanic’, it’s fantastic. Jensen explained in detail how he made this amazing ship along with the different materials needed. Jensen’s attitude towards his learning this term has been amazing, always with a Can Do Colin attitude- keep it up super star!!


Miss Laing x

Easter drawing competition winner!

Well done to Lilly-Grace who won the Easter drawing completion. Lilly-Grace included her Shih tzu Barbra on her egg and I think it looks fantastic and so did Michael our chef as he selected Lilly-Grace as the winner!

Playground prefects

A huge well done to the playground prefects this term! They work really hard helping the younger children at lunch times. Here they are enjoying their end of term treats- milkshakes and lollies!

Easter egg hunt!

Class 10 really enjoyed their Easter egg hunt this morning. They worked so well as a team; helping their friends to find their eggs and some were hidden really well and were very tricky to find!

I am so proud of you all class 10 and how hard you have worked this term. You are all little super stars! Keep up the hard work ready for next term and have a lovely two weeks off!