Planting in Thorne Park.

The children really enjoyed planting bulbs and flowers in the park with the help of ‘friends of Thorne Park’ who kindly supplied the flowers and bulbs and invited us to help out.   The weather wasnt great but it didn’t stop the children having a lovely time.  Thanks again to the parent helpers


open the book


We had our open the book assembly yesterday and some of the audience got a chance to be part of it! Everyone listened to the story carefully and joined in with the song at the end. Everyone showed our guests how great Green Top children are, we are very proud of you all.

hook week


Class 5 had a fantastic hook week making things to decorate our classroom and make it more interesting. We even found out the name of our new book we will be looking at in English. Everyone has come back to school with a really positive learning attitude, keep it up class 5!


Thank you


Miss Hilton and Miss O’Neill

Reading in the sunshine

Today, class 10 took their reading lesson outside. They are loving reading Charlie and the chocolate factory. The children discussed the main characters and the purpose of them being introduced in the first chapter. They also looked at ambitious vocabulary and it’s meaning. We are all keeping our fingers crossed for more nice weather so we can do more of our learning outside!

Buying our chocolate bars

We had fun buying a chocolate bar and some sweets for our new theme…linking in some maths skills to calculate change from a pound or in some cases how much more money they had for extra sweets! Well done guys. 

Creating plyscripts

Class 9 loved throwing themselves into writing plyscripts for their hook into their new English cycle this week. Being able to chose their own scenario around our new class book really got them hooked in! Fantastic efforts guys.




Enhancing our classroom environment

We have had such a creative, lovely week. The children have all helped create a range of lollipops, flowers, sweets and more to make our classroom that little bit more special.   

Amazing hook week writing!

Class 9 have amazed me in the first week back by producing a fantastic set of summaries based on the film Charlie and the chocolate factory. Well done guys!

Market Research!

This morning, Class 11 visited the local shop to undertake some market research on product packaging in order to get some ideas for when they design their own delicious product that’s fit for Willy Wonka’s Factory!

Once we had got back to school, we had a circle to discuss why that product stood out to them; What made the packaging so appealing? What ideas could they take from that product and put in to their own?

The children had some creative ideas so I’m very excited to see what they can come up with! Watch this space! And watch out Cadbury’s!!!

Miss Laing x